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Youngjae POV:
We arrive at the hospital panting and sweating. Jaebums car wouldn't start so we had to run all the way here in the freezing cold. We sprint towards the hospital door and slam them open.

The waiting area is filled with police all armed with tazers and batons. There is no sign of any other personelle in the area. One officer walks up to us, an odd look on his face.
"Are you Im Jaebum and Choi Youngjae?"
"Come this way."

The officer leads us through the crowd and over to a door leading into another room.
"They're right through here, you might wanna be careful they're still a little shaken."

I open the door slowly and walk in. Mark sits awkwardly on the chair, a small smile appears across his face as he glances up at us.

He then looks down at his lap where his fiancé lays half asleep. A large cut stands out on Jinyoung's cheek, though it's stitched up, the cut looks deep and whoever did it must have done it with the intent of harming him.

Nevertheless he's awake and okay. I'm glad.

"Mark... w-what happened?" I ask. There must have been an attack, considering the size of the cut and the amount of police in the area.

"Travis managed to get into the hospital room. He tried to kill me and that's when Nyoungie woke up," a small hum is heard from Jinyoung whom is still snuggled in Marks lap, "he tried to fight back but he was still too weak, so I slipped out and called the police. Travis managed to cut Jinyoung's cheek but that's all."

An overwhelming feeling of guilt hits me as I remember how cold and unforgiving I was to Jinyoung. If only I'd given him a chance to explain maybe all of this wouldn't have happened...

I feel Jaebum hold my hand and squeeze it softly. It's like he's read my mind...

I bend down to face Jinyoung. He opens his half lidded eyes a little wider to look at me, he looks so tired...

"Jinyoung, I'm so so so sor-"
"It's okay, Youngjae, I understand. I shouldn've told you before..."
"No Jinyoung it's my fault please forgive me..."

He sits up from Mark's lap and brings himself to the floor beside me. He wraps m in his warm embrace, it's nothing like Jaebums but Jinyoung gives another sense of safety.

"It's okay."

"Today, Travis Hopton was sentenced to 60 years in prison. He's been charged with the abuse and attempted murder of a young man in his 20's." The news presenter reads the good news out to the world, earning a cheer from my boyfriend behind me.

I feel his arm wrap around my waist once again, the warm feeling taking over.
"I'm so happy that asshole is gone Youngjae. Jinyoung can finally be at peace."
"I am too. Hey let's call Mark and see how he's getting on!"

Jaebum smiles and pecks my nose, causing a giggle to escape my lips.
"Of course babe."

The phone rings for a bit, then Mark finally picks up.

"Hey Mark! How are you getting on?"
"With the wedding planning? Amazing!! Jinyoung is trying to sort music right now but we can't find anyone.."

I grab the phone off Jaebum.

"I-I could do it!" I squeak.
"Really?! Thank you so much Youngjae!"
"It's nothing really..." I laugh awkwardly.
"Well I gotta go now but I'll talk to you soon yeah? Stay safe, love you guys!"
"Bye Markie!" I yell into the phone.

Jaebum rugby tackles me, throwing me onto the sofa. He begins to tickle me, I scream with laughter.
"Yah! Why didn't you tell me you could sing?!"
"Because it's embarrassing!"
"I wanna hear you!"
"You'll have to wait!"

I giggle and kiss him softly.

"I'll show you at the wedding okay?"
"Okay...As long as you sing at our wedding too!"

I feel my face burn red with embarrassment.
"You're so cute babe, I love you so much."

"I love you even more, Im Jaebum."


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