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Hey Youngjae it's Mark...look I know you're probably mad right now but I promise you there's an explanation for it all...just if Jinyoung asks to talk please hear him out...he was only trying to protect you...

I ignore the message, I really don't know what to think right now. I feel used and hurt, did he ever really care for me?

I lean back into the seat of Jaebums car, it smells good in here. Jaebum has good taste in air fresheners and basically everything else. There's really something different about that guy....

Suddenly the door swings open and an angry Jaebum hops in, his bag almost overflowing with my clothes.

"Jaebum why have you got all of my clothes?" I ask quizzically.
"Because you're not staying with him anymore! From now on you can stay at my house." He sternly announces throwing the bag into the back and starting the car.

As I walk up the steps to the museum i feel my pocket vibrate, likely from a text.

Jinyoung won't stop drinking, he hasn't been sober since you left... please talk to him

I'm sorry I can't

You have every right to be a angry Youngjae but you need to know why Jinyoung did this... I promise it was only to protect you

Why can't you tell me?

It's not my place to I'm sorry
He's really not doing good
Please listen to him

I place my phone back in my pocket with a sigh. I can't forgive him, not now.

An arm wraps around my waist and pulls me close, slightly rubbing my side comfortingly.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about him anymore. He hurt you he deserves none of your sympathy." Jaebum whispered into my ear.

Part of me wants to believe that but another part wants to forgive him. There must be an explanation right? He really did seem to care, he worried about everything I did. Whether it was taking a jog or cooking food he was always worried that I'd get hurt in some way.

Was it just a lie? Was it even real?

These worries continue to torment me almost the whole shift until Jaebum lightly taps my shoulder at around 11pm.

"I-if you don't mind me asking, um, when did you and Jinyoung get together?" He looks at me concerned.

"It was in University, he was in the same dorm as me along with Mark and my friends Bambam and Jackson." I smile softly reminiscing the fun memories we all shared, "I'd had a small crush on him for a while and suddenly one day he just asked me out on a date. That was 2 years ago now..."

Jaebum nods his head slightly before looking me in the eyes.

"Youngjae....I know you've just broken up and I annoy you but can we please just, uhh, you know... start over?"
"What do you mean Jaebum?"
"I mean, Youngjae, I really really like you and I want things to work out between us Youngjae I lo-"

A loud yell comes from the main entrance followed by frantic banging on the glass. The screams sound panicked and I can just about hear our names amongst them.

We both rush to the entrance, almost slipping as we did so. Outside stood a tear stained, red faced Mark, still yelling our names. I immediately fumble for my keys and unlock the door, letting the hysterical boy in.

"Y-YOUNGJAE J-JAEB-BUM HELP PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE!" He screams his eyes wide with fear.

I grab his shoulders and guide him to the nearby bench and gently sit him down, rubbing circles on his back to help calm him.

"Mark it's okay just tell me what happened okay?"
"I-It's Jinyoung. I-I went to the s-store to get some more medicine for h-him because he's b-been so s-sick recently. B-but I got back a-and and-" he bursts into tears again, holding his head in his hands.
"And what Mark? What's happened to him!?" I asked, a little panicked myself. God knows what Jinyoung could do when he's upset.

"He was gone. His phone too a-and he left this note..." he handed me a crumpled piece of paper with scruffy handwriting on.

Mark I'm so so sorry for what I'm about to do. It was never meant to go this far, I never wanted to hurt Youngjae...but I did and now everything is wrong. I just wanted to protect him, they wanted to hurt him. Mark I always loved you and I always will, you know that right? I'm sorry I have to leave you this way...but I can't live like this anymore I've hurt too many people. Yugyeom, Jaebum and Youngjae did not deserve to be hurt, I'm an awful person I know but I promise after this you'll be the last person I hurt Mark. I'm sorry it had to be this way...

I love you,
Your fiancé.

My eyes open wide with shock as I pass the note to Jaebum whom after reading it also shares the same expression.

"We need to find him NOW!"

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