Chapter 2: Dinner and a Show

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Hi everyone! Sorry again for the delay! This chapter is a little longer than normal to help make up for my slowness. Things start to pick up starting with the next chapter!  Quick side note: the movie choice later in the chapter was decided by one of my friends. I thought it was a bit appropriate so I went with it. Lol Hope you all enjoy! :)

Dedicated to one of my newest readers and fans, ThornyLover ! :)

"Ugh... what happened?" Alex asked groggily the next morning. She was draped over the toilet, in the long process of vomiting her brains out. She had been there for at least an hour, with Diana holding her long red hair out of her face. Honestly, Diana was growing weary of helping her friend recover, but she was sticking by her regardless.

"For the seventh time, you got completely drunk. You hit your head on an overhanging light and passed out," Diana sighed. "Some dude you were swappin' tongue with carried you back."

"Did I get his number?" the hungover girl asked.

"Yeah, and I ripped it up," Diana said, matter-of-factly, knowing very well her friend was about to flip about it.

Alex turned herself around to face her friend, an annoyed look upon her face. "Why?"

"Because he was probably a jerk and/or a womanizer and you deserve better than that," Diana replied. "Besides, you probably don't remember much of it anyways."

Alex went to reply, but quickly turned to get sick in the toilet once again. Moments later, she looked up at Diana. "You need to loosen up a bit."

Diana shrugged, standing back up and leaning against the wall behind her. "Yeah, maybe so, but at least one of us needs to be the responsible one. Besides, I still got to see Artemis for a bit. Shame I fell asleep before he was able to stop by last night though."

"Well, maybe you'll see him later today," Alex decided, pulling herself up to lean against the counter. "But... as much as I would love to keep chatting, I am in desperate need of a shower."

Diana sighed. "Well, I'll let you do that."

The girl exited the bathroom and collapsed on her bed. She looked at her cell phone. No new messages or missed calls. Diana was hoping Artemis got in contact with her soon since she messed up last night and fell asleep. She felt bad, but she knew Artemis wouldn't be too upset about it. He knew how draining the school year had been thus far. When she was about to give up hope, her phone went off. She sprung up and immediately reached for her phone. She stared at the name on the screen, and smiled.

"Hey, Artemis," Diana answered happily.

"Good afternoon. I wasn't sure if you were awake yet," Artemis' voice greeted.

"I've been awake for a while," Diana responded. "Alex is a bit hungover, so I have been up dealing with that, unfortunately."

He chuckled slightly. "One of the various reasons I don't drink alcohol."

"Yeah," Diana agreed. "Same here usually."

"I've seen you drink, so don't play innocent with me. It doesn't suit you," Artemis pretended to scold. Diana laughed, but then he added smugly, "So, since you fell asleep before I could visit, I think you owe me."

Diana resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her boyfriend. Always the theatrics with him. "Well, what exactly did you have in mind?" she inquired, playing along.

"What are you doing this evening?" he asked her, with a bit of what seemed to be nervousness lingering in his voice. They had been together for just over two years now, and Artemis still got jittery about asking her out. Diana honestly loved that he still treated her like he did when they first got together, at least in that regard.

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