Chapter 16: Quite The View

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Hi everyone! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter posted. It's been busy here between work and being a mom. I finally found enough down time to sit and get this chapter finished. It got a little more... racy than I initially intended but ah well. Anyway, my goal is to get this story finished before much longer. I have it all outlined. I just need to sit down and get some of it written more than once in a blue moon. I think it has a lot to do with the fact one of my other stories is just flowing better for me at the moment (and has been for a while now). I think tentatively, I'm going to set my goal of having this story done before the movie comes out at the end of May. (You know, if they don't delay it again.) Enough of my babbling though. I hope all is well with you and that you all enjoy this kind of weird chapter!


The four eventually all met up in Diana and Alex's dorm room. The day wasted away as they all cuddled on the respective bunks. Diana and Artemis were wrapped up under a comforter on her bed, and Alex and Sebastian were on her bunk above them, sitting a little too close to each other and eating a giant bowl of popcorn as they watched movie after movie that afternoon. It was a good way to pass time and a good way to relax after their ordeal. And of course, it was a great way to stay warm.

Ortherion had escaped with the gem, and seemingly already put his doomsday machine to work on creating the second Ice Age to destroy the humans. It was the end of May, and the temperature was way below the average. To the common folk, this would just seem out of the ordinary, but to those involved in this debacle, it was all too telling that the villain of this story was winning. Snuggling together was all they could do to keep their bodies at a decent temperature without blasting their room's heat to unbearable levels, not to mention to keep their thoughts off the impending doom Ortherion was causing.

Around seven, they began to hear the sound of speakers blaring dance music, the sound echoing over their movie. Alex separated from Sebastian for a moment to look down at Diana from over the railing. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked her friend.

Diana smirked. "Most definitely."

The girls got up and both ran for the bathroom, leaving Sebastian and Artemis there to wonder what was coursing through their minds. Alex began throwing her hair up in a ponytail like she always did before parties. Diana just combed through hers, and brushed on a thin layer of powder over her face. There was no reason for her to get all dolled up. She didn't need to impress anyone tonight.

The girls emerged from the bathroom only a few minutes later, both smiling and looking refreshed. The boys looked at them confused for a moment before Alex answered the question that loomed on both of their minds.

"It's party time!" she announced.

Sebastian immediately jumped off the top bunk and joined Alex's side. "Hell yeah! I think it's a great time for one."

Artemis glanced at the three skeptically. "I don't know about that."

Diana pouted, hoping to change his mind. "Awe, come on, Arty!"

Artemis debated it silently in his head for only a moment. "Okay, fine. I'll go." He joined Diana's side, as Alex gave him a pointed glare.

"You are soooo getting wasted!" she declared.

"I most certainly am not," Artemis backed out. That didn't shock Diana in the slightest. Artemis wasn't a drinker at all. Come to think of it, she wasn't sure she had ever seen him drink anything other than water or tea. It would be interesting to see if he broke his usual rules tonight. She knew she certainly was. The last few days had been super stressful, and she needed a drink.

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