Chapter 17: Mission Impossible

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Hello again everyone. I was able to finally get this chapter finished. I'm not super happy with it, but I thought instead of dwelling on it, I'd post it. I've had a rough week. This coronavirus debacle is a complete mess here, and I don't foresee it getting better in the near future. I'm usually not an anxious person by nature, but everything that's happened in this last week has made me quite the disaster. At the moment, I am fine. My family is fine. I hope it stays that way. I hope all of you are safe as well.

I'll still be trying my damnedest to get this story finished by the end of May. Since the last chapter, they dropped the trailer for the movie. I know a lot of fans are upset about it. I... I don't think I'm one of them. I had decided long ago that the movie was probably going to deviate from the books I know and love so much. I also know trailers can be super misleading. I do think a lot of the books are still in there, and remain positive. I'm going to likely see movie opening day (so long as we aren't still dealing with this virus and all the delays, cancellations, etc. that are coming with it). I'm still excited, and I hope I can at least still enjoy the movie even with the changes that have been made.

Enough of my ramblings though. This chapter was long enough without them. I hope you all enjoy, and stay safe out there.

     "So where did she get you guys?" Alex asked curiously.

    The four humans were sitting in the back of the shuttle on their way back down to Haven. Holly and Trouble hadn't told them much before ushering them into the shuttle but the two of them looked down right pissed about something. The elfin police officers hadn't said much else to them on the ride, so the four of them were left to discuss whatever they pleased while seated in the same spots they had been on the ride back to the surface. And apparently, Alex wanted to know more about her friends' love lives.

    "We were sleeping," Artemis tried to downplay the situation. "Holly woke me up by tapping on the window, and Diana woke up while we were talking. That's it."

    "So you're telling me that there was nothing else to that story?" Alex pressed on.

    "Nothing I am willing to disclose," Artemis responded coolly.

    Alex snorted. "Uh huh. Because that's why Diana was so embarrassed. Something totally happened that you're not fessing up to, fancy boy."

    Artemis opened his mouth to say something, but Diana quickly cut him off by asking, "What do you think is going on?" Her voice betrayed how anxious she was to get off the topic of what exactly happened that evening between her and Artemis.

    He had picked up on it, and replied, "Whatever it is, it's got Holly on edge and when Holly's on edge, it's not a good sign."

    That comment was enough to make reality finally hit Alex and get her brain thinking on something other than all of their sex lives for a moment. "Oh... I've got a bad feeling about this," she said quietly.

    The humans exchanged nervous glances as moments later the shuttle pulled into the port. With the pod finally parked, the group could hear excessive amounts of angry chatter in a foreign language coming from the cockpit. Had Holly and Trouble been arguing this whole time? Everyone immediately turned to Artemis, seeing as he was the fairy expert.

    "Trust me, you don't want to know what they're saying," Artemis answered sheepishly. "Just know it's not pleasantries."

    Holly walked out of the cockpit as the door began to drop, and she was still muttering in the elfin language as everyone followed after her off the shuttle. Holly checked in at the gate and everyone else waited awkwardly by the shuttle as Trouble did the landing run through. Holly returned still looking as angry and scary as before when she finally returned to the humans.

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