Chapter 10: Dumb Luck

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Hi everyone! I am SO sorry for not getting an update done for this story done sooner! It has been a crazy few months for me. As many of you know, at my last update I was about six months pregnant. Well, I had the baby! She was born on September 1st, which I am sure most of you know is also Artemis' birthday. Super fitting that my baby would share a birthday with one of my all-time favorite characters. Anyways, my time recently has been spent mostly adjusting to motherhood and all that goes with it. I think (at least for now) I have found a pretty predictable pattern for our day, so I have been able to start writing a little more regularly again. It was very strange to be writing this again, and I'm not fully satisfied with how this turned out, but I hope it's just me feeling rusty with this story. Hope you all enjoy, and I hope to be updating again soon.

    After a good night's rest, the group began to prepare for the rally the next day. Alex spent several hours at the firing range, practicing her shot and getting her gun sighted just as she had said she would. Butler had joined her, and had advised her on her shot. Holly discussed the plan of action with Trouble and Foaly. Sebastian found it necessary to bug Alex most of the day about the unusual kiss they shared the day previously, even though it was unwise for him to do so while she brandished a weapon. For a lack of anything for them to really do, Artemis and Diana seemingly disappeared for a good portion of the day, and many of the group hoped Diana was giving him a good lecture about this whole mess.

    The group met back up at five in the evening. They sat around a table in the conference hall, waiting for Holly to debrief them on what was to occur that night. Holly stood at the end of the table, looking out at her less than ideal team. It wasn't all that she was hoping for, but she supposed if she had to have human help these would be the ones she'd want. The group talked amongst themselves for a moment until Holly got their attention by clearing her throat. Almost immediately, the hall grew quiet.

    "Alright, I hope you all enjoyed your day and used it wisely," Holly emphasized. "We have a lot to do in a short period of time if we want to make the eight o'clock rally time. So pay attention and do what you're told."

    Alex sat in her chair between Diana and Sebastian, spinning around like a bored child. "So what exactly are we gonna do, Holly?"

    "Well, first of all, we all know that we are not going to be able to just bring humans to a fairy extremist rally," Holly began. She bent over to pick up a large box from the ground next to her, setting it down on the table. "So, while not foolproof, Foaly has thought it best we cover you in cam foil. After scoping the event location- which we determined is The Stonehenge- it appears there's a severe lack of cameras."

    The humans exchanged glances as Holly began tossing them each a bag with their own sheet of cam foil. Artemis pulled out a corner of his, looking at it skeptically.
Holly noticed this and asked, "Problem, Artemis?"

    "Cameras are not the only problem," he replied calmly. "There is also the risk of rain showers shorting it out, or it being crushed, or someone noticing the haze we will all appear as. Surely these extremists cannot be dull enough to not notice that."

    "Look, I said it wasn't foolproof," Holly repeated.

    "You do realize that rain is in the forecast tonight, right?" Artemis went on.

    Holly shook her head at Artemis' determination. "Unless you have a better plan, we'll have to take the risk." Artemis turned away, temporarily defeated. Holly ignored him and continued with going over the details. "The fairies who are attending this rally tend to not be the brightest crayons in the box, and it's our hope that we'll be able to keep most of the haze you produce hidden behind the rocks and us." She paused, and sighed. "We need for you to be as silent as possible, or it's likely you'll kicked out, captured, or killed." Holly paused again. "Or any combination of the three."

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