Chapter 9: Extinguished

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Hi everyone! Sorry about the delay in updates once again. It's been kind of crazy here.

As I am sure many of you know, I'm just about six months pregnant now. I've had a lot of appointments, ultrasounds, tests, and so on to deal with since my last update. All is well. I'm healthy, as is our baby girl. I'm off work now for the foreseeable future (per doctor's orders), so I hope now I will be able to get more writing done since I no longer have work draining all my free time and energy. Some days I am still very tired, and others I am not, so there are some days I get a lot accomplished and other days where I do nothing but lay on my couch and nap with my husky. At any rate, while there is still a ton to get done around here before September, I am at a point where my usefulness in those things is very limited, so most of those tasks are falling onto my husband, and he has been very good about letting me relax and attempt to write.

What I really need to do is stop getting distracted by my Infinity War story and actually focus more on this and One More Night. But I suppose as long as I am getting something written I'm making progress.

Anyways, again, I am sorry this took so long, and I hope you all enjoy it!


    Alex opened the door to find Sebastian sitting in a chair with his hands cuffed behind him still. His head hung low and she could see blood on his t-shirt. Alex grabbed a napkin and dipped it in an ice bucket on the bedside table that had partially melted ice in it. Sebastian flinched and then looked around, looking anywhere but at her. Alex walked back to the front of him and saw that he had blood coming from his nose and the corner of his mouth, plus a small cut over his eye.

    She pulled up a chair and straddled it, resting her arms on the back of it. "Heard you were giving Butler and Holly a hard time."

    Sebastian looked at her. "Why did you do it? Why did you kiss me when you could've just shot me or something?"

    "I've actually been wondering that myself," Alex responded calmly. She stood up and moved the chair. She kneeled down in front of Sebastian and began wiping away the blood Butler or Holly so clearly left behind.

    Sebastian made sure to look directly into Alex's eyes when he spoke next. "Maybe you really do feel something."

Alex caught herself and stood back up, backing away and leaning against a wall, tossing the napkin into a nearby trash can. "Why did you steal from Artemis and who'd you sell it to?" she asked, getting right back to business.

    Sebastian smiled. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

    Alex didn't buy that and continued to press for answers."You stole a very important fairy artifact. Did you know that?"

    "That's what the short green guy said," Sebastian muttered.

    "Short green guy?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

    Sebastian sighed. "Yeah... said he needed me to get some gem from Artemis Fowl. Said it was an important fairy artifact and the key to his plan."

    "What's his name?" Alex pressed on.

    "Ortherion. He said he was a part of some fairy extremist group," Sebastian went on. "Seems to be kind of a dumb thing to admit to someone but who am I to judge?"

    Alex immediately went for the door. Holly had to hear this. She would be the only one who would have any incite on a fairy extremist group.

    "Wait!" Sebastian called after her. Alex turned with a hand on the door knob. "You never answered my question."

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