Chapter 21: Lucky

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Hi everyone! Sorry this took so long! I got really involved with writing one of my other stories, and then I was bad and started writing a small side project. I kept telling myself I needed to get this written so I could get this finished before the movie came out. Well, with the release date getting moved to June 12th, I definitely have time to finish this! After this chapter, there's only one more left in this story.

My plan was to still do a Q&A if you all wanted one, and I have been toying with the idea of a third book. I would love to write one. My problem at this point is finding the right idea plot-wise. I don't want to write something that I don't like or can't get into, you know?

Today is my 6th wedding anniversary (wow is time flying!) so I'm not sure if I'll get to start the next chapter right away or not. I promise to get it done ASAP.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this!


Diana opened her eyes to see a white wall. She sat up slowly, the pain in her chest from earlier finally noticeable to her. She realized she was lying on a gurney, presumably in the hospital bay in Haven. Likely the same one she woke up in after the last dangerous adventure with Artemis. Honestly she hoped this was the last time she found herself recovering in a fairy hospital, but somehow she was sure that it wouldn't be. Diana assumed she must have passed out at some point after they had defeated Ortherion, finally crashing from her adrenaline rush.

She was hooked up to an IV bag. Given that the information on the bag was written in what she presumed was Gnommish, she had no idea what was being funneled into her body. She guessed probably fluids and pain medication, but she wasn't certain. Her abdomen had several ice packs resting on top of her hospital gown. She was momentarily embarrassed, knowing someone had undressed her, and then it occurred to her it was probably Foaly or Holly, and they had seen it all last time she had nearly died.

She finally looked to her left and saw Artemis just a few feet away from her. He was reclined in a similar hospital bed to hers, his hands resting gently in his lap. Just like Diana, he was attached to several IV bags. His eyes were closed, and he appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Diana watched his chest, moving slowly with his breathing. She smiled; he was alive, despite all the odds. He was likely going to never be the same in some ways, but Diana knew they would cross that bridge later. All that mattered at this point was that he indeed survived his close encounter with the troll. They would deal with the side effects together, whatever they were.

Diana looked away from him for a moment, turning to her right to see Alex. Her friend was facing the other side of the room, her body curled into a fetal position on her bed, shaking ever so slightly. She was dressed in a gown like she was, and Diana could only assume her leg had been healed from where she had been shot during the latter part of the raid since Alex had wrapped herself tightly in her blanket. Diana assumed Alex was crying, and frowned. She guessed Holly had been right in saying that there was nothing they could do for Sebastian, and that he was in fact dead. Diana couldn't imagine what hell her friend was going through; Diana had a hard enough time with Artemis' injury, she couldn't fathom what kind of wreck she would've been if he had died. Especially in such an instantaneous way like Sebastian had.

She didn't know what else to do, so she reached over and placed a hand on Alex's shoulder.  "It'll be okay," Diana said, trying her best to comfort her friend.   

Alex shrugged her hand off. "No it won't."

Diana frowned. She really wasn't sure how to make her friend feel better. Dealing with death was not something she was used to, and had very little experience with. The only loss she had up until this point in her life were her paternal grandparents, and she was so young when that happened she didn't remember any of it. She decided to let Alex be, as she continued to sob into her pillow. Perhaps saying nothing was the best for now.

The Luck of the Irish {Sequel to Kiss Me, I'm Irish}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant