Chapter 12: Fate Decided

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Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Artemis rubbed his temples as he tried to figure out how he was going to get them out of the mess he had helped create. His mind, for once, was struggling to stay focused on the task at hand, not that the others in his cell were making it any easier for him to think. Artemis thought best in silence, or with quiet classical music playing. Unfortunately for him, Holly, Mulch, and Sebastian were either bickering amongst themselves or yelling at him.

He sighed, trying to ignore the constant noise surrounding him. He glanced at his hands for a moment and took notice to the ring on his middle finger: his fairy communicator. He let out a sigh of relief as he realized what a useful tool he had at his disposal. He turned to Holly.

"Holly, my communicator should have reception here, correct?" he asked.

"I don't see why it wouldn't, Artemis," Holly muttered, still irritated with his lack of concentration that day. "Why does it matter?"

"I can contact Foaly, since they confiscated your gear," Artemis began. "He can send Butler or another team in to get us out of here. Simple."

"And it only took you twelve hours to think that up!" Holly snapped, resisting the urge to throw something at him. "Some genius you are!"

"You're slipping in your old age, Mud Boy," Mulch added, nonchalantly picking through his beard.

Sebastian smirked. "It's called love. His judgement is clouded."

Artemis rolled his eyes. "At least I'm not a creep like others in this cell." He looked away from his cellmates as he clicked a small button on his communicator. "Foaly? Can you hear me?"

At first only static rushed through the phone line, but then the centaur's voice echoed into the room. "Loud and clear, Fowl."

"Have you spoken to Butler?" was Artemis' next question.

"He's made it back to Haven," Foaly responded. "He mentioned he lost sight of you all after an equipment malfunction."

Artemis ignored that remark and pressed on like that wasn't the reason they were in this predicament. "Is there a way he can get to our location?"

Artemis heard some typing in the background, before Foaly responded, "I've locked onto your location. I can have a shuttle ready to head up to E18 in about a half hour tops. Next flare arrives in forty-five minutes. Butler can be there in less than an hour and a half."

Artemis contemplated the information Foaly had just told him. Would that be quick enough? He could only hope so, unless they figured out another plan of action. "Fine, as soon as possible. We're in grave danger."

"I never would've guessed. Without alerting the troops, and the media, this is all I can really do for you," Foaly sighed.

Artemis glanced around and noticed the cameras in the hallway and their cell. "What about the cameras? Can you hack into the system and disable them?"

"Let me see what I can do." Foaly resumed typing away and Artemis heard beeping and whirring noises of the computers Foaly was using. After a few moments, Foaly answered, "Okay. I'm in."

"The cameras?"

"Oh. Oh my, I'm definitely getting these off system!" Foaly screeched. "He's got them in the girls' cell. Even their bathroom!"

Artemis felt his blood boiling under his skin. Something that he hadn't experienced very often before. Ortherion was pressing his luck. You didn't toy with Artemis Fowl, and this sprite was starting to get under his skin. A camera being in his girlfriend's bathroom was not something he took kindly to, and when he saw Ortherion again he was going to make it well known.

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