Chapter 7: The Best Laid Plans

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Sorry it took me so long to post this update! It's been kind of a weird month or so- between my health, work, the holidays, a week long trip to Las Vegas, a new project I have no business working on- I meant to post this before the new year started, but I am just now getting to it. After this, I have to really get into gear and get to writing this again, since I am no longer ahead of what's posted here.

Anyways, sorry again for the delay, and I hope you all had a great holiday season and are off to a great start with the new year!


The following morning the girls got up and got dressed as usual. Artemis had texted Diana asking the girls to meet him back at his place today. All three of them would be skipping their Monday classes, not that it was a problem since all three of them were doing well enough to miss a class without detriment to their education. The girls arrived at Artemis' room at about one, considering they had slept until damn near noon. It was unusually cold for this particular time of year so the girls showed up in jeans and hoodies. Something else unusual, Artemis himself was wearing jeans and a long sleeved brown thermal.

    "You guys don't have a problem with skipping, do you?" Artemis asked for probably the millionth time.

    Alex raised an eyebrow at Artemis as if he was a crazy person and Diana just giggled. "We don't mind," she assured.

    Artemis motioned for the girls to come in and Alex took her seat in her usual chair while Diana and Artemis chilled out on the bed. The rest of the day was filled with movie after movie, trying to kill some time. Alex spent most of the day sleeping awkwardly in the chair while Diana and Artemis stole kisses when they thought she wasn't looking. At about seven, Diana and Artemis fell asleep on the bed, Artemis spooning Diana. Alex was done with trying to get the two of them to behave; she remembered when she was young and in love.

    Dusk came and went as the three of them snoozed peacefully. Artemis had directed Alex to leave the window open just in case they did in fact fall asleep; despite her whiny protests about being cold, Alex did as she was asked. At about nine o'clock, two figures shimmered in through the window.

    Holly and Trouble came into full view and looked around at all the lazy humans. Alex was sleeping upside down in a chair while Diana and Artemis were cuddled up in each other's arms. Holly didn't know much about human sleeping habits but there was no way that Alex girl could be comfortable.

    "Wakey, wakey, kids! We've got business to attend to and I wanna catch the next flare down to Haven," Holly shouted and clapped her hands. All three of the humans awoke and sat up instantly, or in Alex's case almost falling out of the chair.

    "Good evening, Holly. Trouble," Artemis yawned.

    Holly removed her standard LEP helmet and shook out her auburn hair. "You better have some answers for me, Mud Boy."

    "There's a guy named Sebastian who is under the influence of another fairy and he stole the fairy king's gem from me while I was at the field," Artemis said in one breath.

    "You expect me to believe that load of troll dung?" Holly shouted impatiently.

    "He's actually telling the truth for once," Alex interjected.

    "Really?" Holly asked Alex more calmly.

    "Yup," Diana replied.

    "We know this guy because he has quite the crush on Alex over there," Artemis said. Alex waved as both Holly and Trouble looked at her.

    "Keep talking," Trouble prompted.

    Artemis cleared his throat and then continued. "When Alex left back to her room by herself, Sebastian was waiting for her. He tried to convince her to elope with him because he had recently just come into a lot of money from selling an artifact."

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