Chapter 22: Promises

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Hi everyone! I just barely squeaked this chapter in before my "deadline" of the movie being released! (And wow, am I super nervous about it!) I meant to have this done sooner, but I'm not going to lie. I procrastinated quite a bit. Partly because I wasn't 100% sure how I was ending it. After some debate, I think this is a good, open ending. And honestly... I think it was maybe time.

As of right now, I haven't decided if I will be writing a Book 3 or not. I want to. I truly do. I just need to think of a good enough plot line. I love writing Diana, Artemis, and the others, so I would like the opportunity to keep their story going. Perhaps one day (soon hopefully) I will write more. By all means, if you have an idea, I am open to hearing it!

That being said, stay tuned for my final (???) author's note sometime in the next couple days. When I've had time to collect my thoughts and all that good stuff- both from this book and the movie. My guess is early next week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday-ish.  Also, if you still wanted me to do a Q&A like we talked about previously, send me those questions! DM, comment, whatever. I'll answer them.

Without further to do, here is the final chapter in this story. Hope you all like it.


 Even as an adult, sunlight did not suit Artemis. That was why he was carrying an umbrella while he walked through the gardens at the manor hand-in-hand with Diana, even though it wasn't raining. The sun was shining brightly, and a warm, early summer breeze was messing up his usually perfect hair. He was willing to let that slide. It had been a wonderful day thus far, and he wasn't going to allow something as trivial as wind to ruin it.

It had been close to a month since the ordeal with Ortherion, and all had been relatively well. The Earth had soon returned to normal temperature wise- or as normal as it could given everything. Classes had finished soon after they had returned to their university. It was nice to not have to worry about exams for a few months. Alex had returned home to the States. She was still having a difficult time dealing with Sebastian's untimely death, and Artemis certainly didn't blame her for that. Alex had decided that being at home with her family would be better for her mentally. At one point, he had overheard her chatting with Diana about transferring to a school back home. Diana had been upset by it, but for obvious reasons, also couldn't blame her for wanting to get away from Ireland. One tragic adventure had likely been enough for the young woman.

He was, however, shocked that the LEP had allowed her to keep her memories of the events. Artemis hadn't inquired about it, but he assumed it was likely because of Alex's friendship with Diana. The girl had been sworn to secrecy, and was hopefully making up some story about what happened to Sebastian if someone asked. As horrible as it sounded. Artemis had felt incredibly guilty about what had happened to Sebastian, and had anonymously paid for his funeral services. It was the least he could do. After all, if it wasn't for Artemis stealing the gem, Sebastian would've never gotten involved and would be still alive.

But he was not worried about Alex right now. In all honesty, he had a lot more pressing matters on his mind than their friend's plight. He only hoped that everything went according to plan. This was to be no ordinary stroll through the garden. This was to be life-changing, no matter which way it went. He was uncharacteristically nervous, and Diana noticed it.

"You okay, Artemis?" her voice asked, breaking his thoughts. "Your hand is sweaty."

"Oh, um, yes. I'm fine," he answered. "It's just... a bit warm out today, that's all."

Diana seemed to buy that answer. "It is warmer today than it has been recently. Maybe it's because the sun is out for once," she replied, hardly hiding a laugh.

The Luck of the Irish {Sequel to Kiss Me, I'm Irish}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ