Chapter 18: Ambushes

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Hello everyone! I feel like it's been a while since I've gotten a chapter finished. I think about a month now? It's been a super weird month with all this coronavirus stuff going on. We're still okay here, but it's still incredibly anxiety inducing. Despite being "an essential worker," I haven't worked in almost a month, since the kennel has been nearly completely empty since our governor has issued the shelter in place order. That's fine with me (I told my bosses if there are shifts available to give them to the younger girls who don't have a second source of income); the husband has been working from home and will be indefinitely. If anything, I think I'm just starting to get a little stir crazy being at home all the time.

Since my last update, it was announced that the Artemis Fowl movie was going to be skipping theaters due to the pandemic, and will be going straight to Disney+. I'm weirdly okay with this? On one hand, I have been dying to see this movie on the big screen- even if it isn't the carbon copy of the book I have always wanted. Yet, on the other, the prospect of sitting at home in my pajamas, not spending an arm and a leg at the theater for tickets/popcorn/etc.,  and not having to find a babysitter is also amazing. There hasn't been an official release date yet, but I'm still excited.

I shouldn't have shared the article on Facebook though; my mom thought it was already out and that she shouldn't call me in case I was watching it. I wish, mom. I wish.

That being said, I can't guarantee I'll have it finished before they release it to Disney+. If it sticks closer to the initial May 29th, I think I can still pull it off. I don't have many chapters left in this story, so if I stop getting distracted by Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and my other stories (mainly Shine Again), I can finish this relatively soon.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. I hope all of you are staying safe in these trying times!

Sometime after they received weaponry from Foaly, the group arrived at the frozen castle in a remote region of Ireland. The hilly area around the castle was not its typical green, but instead was covered in a thick layer of fluffy white snow. The sight in itself was unusual for the Emerald Isle. They received snow, but nothing like this, and surely not during this time of year. The temperature was chilly, and it made Diana instantly wish she had worn a coat on top of her Under Armour jacket. The group stood just inside the castle gates, wondering how they would get inside.

    "I think we'll have to scale the side," Holly finally decided.

    Artemis raised an eyebrow skeptically. "When it's practically frozen solid? I think not. You wouldn't be able to get a cord to stick, and you'd slide right off the face of the wall if you did."

    "Your group is taking the cellar, so you can leave your biased opinion out of this," Holly sassed. "I'm going to get us up there one way or another."

    "The air ducts are on the top so we don't have much of a choice." Sebastian analyzed.

    She ran over ideas in her mind. She could shoot her piton cord at the wall, pray it stuck and they could climb that. Or she could attach both Alex and Sebastian to her moon belt and she could fly them up. Holly was leaning towards the second option.

    She pulled a clip from her belt and glanced at Alex. "Guess what? You get to experience real flying too."

    Alex giggled quietly for a moment. "Frickin' sweet!"

    Artemis rolled his eyes. "Have fun with that."   

    "Oh, I will," Alex noted. With that, Holly attached both Alex and Sebastian to her belt. Holly looked up towards the roof and began to fly using the mechanical wings on her back. Alex enjoyed the short flight, but remained silent to keep them unnoticed. Holly landed on the roof with ease, and immediately released the heavy humans from her belt.

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