Chapter 8: Not Acting

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay once again. It's been a busy and exciting new year thus far, and I haven't had much writing time. Hopefully that will be changing soon, and I can get back to more regular updates again. Hope you all enjoy!


    Soon after the phone call, the humans had been returned to Dublin to prepare for the rendezvous with Sebastian. Artemis had gone back to the manor to set some things up while Diana and Alex went back to their dorm room to freshen up and make any preparations that they needed. A few hours had passed, and Holly was to be returning any moment. Sure enough, a glimmer came in from the window, catching the girls a bit off guard despite knowing she would be returning.

    "You guys ready to go?" Holly asked. "Artemis is waiting for us outside in the car."

    Diana nodded as she pulled her shoes onto her feet. "Whenever you are."

    "One more thing before we go," Holly remembered. She pulled a gun and its holster from her belt and handed it to Alex. "I don't know if I should trust you with this, but in case this little meeting goes south, I would rather have you armed than not at all."

    Alex looked at the fairy weapon in her hands, momentarily confused.

    "It's set to stun, so it won't do any lasting damage," Holly continued with a shrug. "Just in case this Mud Man decides to pull a fast one on us."

    Alex nodded slowly and slipped the holster onto her belt, moving it towards her back so it wouldn't be as visible to Sebastian. "I hope I don't need to use it. I'm not sure I won't stun myself on accident," Alex admitted sheepishly.
Diana rolled her eyes as the three of them made their way out to the parking lot, Holly making sure to shield herself. Artemis stood in front of the car with his hands behind his back as a very large man in a plain black suit, white dress shirt, and black tie stood beside him with his arms crossed.

    Diana immediately ran up and wrapped her arms around Artemis who held her tightly in return. The young couple just held each other for longer than just a moment, and it was more than awkward for the others to witness.

    "Hi, my name's Alex!" the uncomfortable redhead immediately interjected, offering the newcomer her hand.

    "Butler, pleasure to meet you," the large man responded as he shook her outstretched hand.

    Artemis looked at his watch as he pulled away from Diana. "Alright, we've got a rendezvous in thirty minutes," he announced.

    "Which means we gotta kick our asses into gear if we're gonna make it to Dublin in time," Alex stated. "So let's get going."

    Butler walked to the side of the car and pulled open the back door to let the passengers file inside. Diana, Artemis, and Alex filed in the back and Holly joined him in the front seat. Alex was anxious; she was going to kidnap a potentially dangerous thief. That was a lot of pressure for just one girl.

    The ride into Dublin seemed almost instantaneous. There was a small coffee shop on the corner that Sebastian was meeting Alex outside of. A lone street light sat on the corner as business in the coffee shop proceeded as normal- or as normal as it could for this time of night. Leaning against the light post was a figure appearing to be that of a college aged boy. Butler parked around the corner so Alex wouldn't look suspicious coming out of a fancy car with a bunch of people inside it.

    Holly turned around in the seat to face her. "I'll be right there if you need me; just give me the signal," she assured.

    "Right," Alex nodded as she took a deep breath. Then she realized she was missing something. "What's the signal?"

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