Chapter 14: A Talk

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Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay. Admittedly, I've been busier than I ever have been. My daughter is about to be one here on September 1st, and she is increasingly mobile and with that comes more supervision. My writing time is limited to her nap times, and whenever I can steal a few moments. Between that and work being slammed for at least a few more weeks, I've had little time to write. Couple that with terrible writer's block with this story (and admittedly One More Night as well) and daily housework, I've gotten little done. The good news is that I will have a week of "vacation" coming up next month while I go on a business trip to Las Vegas with my husband. The baby will be in safe hands with my parents, and I will be free to write when I'm not possibly having dinner with his acquaintances, or hanging out with my best friend who lives there too.

Anyways, I'm terribly sorry it has taken me so long to get this chapter done. I'm admittedly not happy with it, but I figured I should just post it and worry about possibly heavily editing it later. I think we're about halfway through this story now. The good news is that I at least have everything planned out, so I just have to get some motivation and time. Thanks again for your patience. Here's Chapter 14.


Holly had decided that everyone should return to their normal lives for a moment, and attempt to get some rest before the next bit of the operation. She had some serious reporting and investigating to do back down in Haven now that the first siege was over. Alex was overly ecstatic that Holly had found her gun during the reconnaissance at Ortherion's headquarters, and had been the happiest of the humans. They had several members of his crew in custody and hopefully they would have some answers on his plans and whereabouts soon.

So Diana, Artemis, Butler, Alex, and Sebastian were all riding in Artemis' car on the way back to the school, or rather the coffee shop near Sebastian's apartment. Since he didn't live on campus like the rest of them did, he had asked to be dropped off there. It was a fair suggestion, since Artemis wasn't wanting to deal with the man any more than he had to. The back of the car was packed and silent. Sebastian and Alex sat on one side, while Artemis and Diana were on the other, snuggling close together as they slept quietly. It was enough to make Alex and Sebastian both uncomfortable, despite the fact it wasn't like they were doing anything other than sleeping.

Alex decided to break the unnatural silence in the backseat with some sass. "You're such a copycat, I hope you know that."

"What do you mean?" Sebastian questioned.

Alex crossed her arms and huffed. "You totally stole my signature head butt move."

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," Sebastian said with a shrug. "Definitely hurt, but it definitely helped vent some of my anger."

"I was content with my fly tackle," Alex said.

"You can fly tackle?" Sebastian asked.

"It seemed like a good idea," Alex mocked Sebastian. They were silent for a moment longer as they came into town. Sebastian casually moved his hand over Alex's and twined his fingers around hers. Alex enjoyed it for a moment and welcomed it as his thumb rubbed against the side of her hand. Then she caught herself. She pulled her hand away and shook her head. "We have to talk."

He sighed impatiently. "After everything we've been through you still won't admit that you like me, not even just a little bit?"

"No," Alex answered quietly. She hated that she was a bad liar.

Sebastian saw through it, just like she knew he would. "Well we're not through working with each other, so maybe we should talk about this. Come with me to my place. We can talk there."

The Luck of the Irish {Sequel to Kiss Me, I'm Irish}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz