Chapter 15 (Cole)

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Alright, y'all, Cole is not in a good way. It's the storm before the calm...before more storm... :) Such is life when you're Cole Galloway and Wynona Caldwell! Above, Sabotage by Beastie Boys— a fitting song for Cole in this chapter. ❤️❤️


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I unload another box of shitty junk food for the Harvest Festival that's already underway, selling prepackaged bags of nasty pumpkin shaped candy corns, popcorn balls and caramel apples— all made by the football team in an effort to fundraise.

I'm pissed at Coach Castillo for tasking me with the manning of this booth. I'm not alone, of course, but as QB one, he insisted I be present. 'Cause who doesn't wanna buy a bunch of empty calories, lovingly packed by the grubby hands of their ball playing classmates?


The truth is, we are making bank here, but it isn't a pleasant experience as our customers are all starry-eyed female classmates and old ladies. They expect flirtation with every purchase, and I'm not in the right damn mood for this.

Most of the guys that got saddled with this idiotic task went all out with their costumes. I'm joined in the booth by Grant Hurley, who goes by the name Batman this evening, and Silas Alverez, who came as Thor. My personal form of protest was to come dressed as a football player, clad in my jersey and a pair of jeans—an ultra-creative choice. That's as costumed as Coach will get out of me this year.

Though I typically look forward to the Harvest Festival, this go around it's the last place I wanna be. My life took a turn for the worse with Greg and Lana's revelation at the bowling alley earlier this week. They reveled in exposing the news of Wynn's pregnancy, taking savage pleasure when they shared her baby's paternity.

Learning that Wyatt had slept with Wynn was hard enough, but the fact that they're expecting a child together was like a slap in the face, adding injury to insult. Then, on top of all that crazy, I had to go and get my own digs in, spilling the truth about how Greg came to be expelled. Needless to say, Homer and Mark didn't take that so well. They viewed it as disloyal in light of our years' long friendships.

Fine by me.

If they would rather stand by the asshole who drugged Colby, then we weren't meant to be friends anyway. Just because nothing came of Greg's actions doesn't mean it's any less sinister. The whole thing still disgusts me.

Sometimes it sucks to see people's true colors. I've had enough of that this week to last me for a lifetime.

"Look, Tay, it's your brother!" Shiloh Grayson shouts, dragging my sister and a few other bitchy princesses toward me.

Oh, hell no.

I roll my eyes as they approach, too irritated to bother with the pretense of politeness. Taylor and her cohorts are all dressed in some form of bustier with a set of animal ears—poor excuses for costumes, if you ask me.

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