Chapter 1: A Dream

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Sarah's POV

I shot up, screaming bloody murder. Everything was red, as usual, but I felt like I was spinning out of control. A sharp pain came to my chest. I moved my hand and tried to feel what it was. It was rough, yet wet.

Then, the memories came back to me. Jumping for the Ghost. Lightening hitting me. Blacking out for a second...

But, this can't be what I think it is. I fell back down to Chopper Base. The Ghost left. I can't be with the fleet.

But, maybe I was. Maybe the whole thing was a dream, a vision.

Maybe this was where people went when they died.

Was I dead?

I wish I were. The pain hurt too much for me to live with it.

I heard a door open. I sensed people rushing in. Hands piled on me, pushing me down back into to bed. No hand touched the spot in my chest where it hurt. They lowered me down slowly while a needle-like object plunged into my right forearm. Five seconds later, darkness surrounded me once more.


I woke up again, with less pain, but  still very sore. It was similar to the pain of breaking a rib, but it felt like all of them. I wanted to sit up, but something cold was on my waist, forcing me not to sit up.

So, I laid there as quietly as I could so no one had to come back in.

I needed things to be quiet, calm, so I could try and figure out where I was.

What do I know?

-I have broken ribs.

-I don't know the exact location of where I am, but I know other people are with me.


I didn't really know much about where I was. Being blind didn't help, either. I could be with the Empire, for all I know.

Maybe falling wasn't a dream. Maybe I had just blacked out, and Thrawn found me.

How long have I been out? A day? A month? A year?

All of this thinking just makes my head throb even more. I sighed and laid there in the quieter-than-night room...

For three seconds.

The door opened again. I expected another needle to go into me like last time.

But, I only heard two pairs of feet against the floor, not seven. I tried to sense who they were.

Ezra. Kanan.

I smiled. I wasn't with the Empire. They were okay!

Ezra went to my right, and Kanan to my left. They both sat down and their emotions lifted. "Hey," Ezra said.

"Hey," I replied. "Where are we?"

Kanan responded, "We are on our new base, Yavin 4."

We had already made it? But that means...

"Have I been out for three weeks?" I asked, since that was how long it was supposed to take to get there without getting tracked by the Empire.

"Four weeks, actually." Kanan corrected. "You have been in a coma all month. You're vitals were fluctuating so much. Everyone was worried sick."

Ezra held my hand. I turned to him and smiled. "But, the good news is the doctors finally got your vitals stabilized. You should be back to normal within two weeks."

I guess that was good. "What happened after I was struck?"

Kanan answered, "I grabbed you from the edge and the medics on board came as soon as possible."

So, that split second of blacking out was changing to a dream. Phew. "Thanks, guys. I'm gonna go back to sleep. Just being awake takes a lot of energy right now."

I sensed their smiles. "Alright. Take as long as you need. We'll wake you up when we have food ready." Kanan said.

They got up and left. The door closed once more.

I smiled to myself. It really feels like a family again.

Ezra's POV

The door closed behind us. I crumpled down onto the ground and cried. I have been crying almost every day for a month. It is one of those phases that I have as a teen, I guess. An overload of emotions. Kanan sat down next to me and tried to comfort me. 

Sarah was in so much pain. I could sense it. She was always hurt. She was always taking the pain meant for us.

"Hey," Kanan said, "she's going to be okay. She just needs some time to recover."

I slowed my crying and steadied my breathing before talking again. "She took that lightening for the rebellion, Kanan. Don't you ever feel that you should be the one suffering, not someone else?"

He didn't respond, so I continued. "Sarah has been sacrificing herself for us every day. I told you all to trust Maul. I should be the one who is blind. I should be the one in there taking her place." I started sobbing again.

Kanan pulled me into a hug. A fatherly, loving hug. I hugged back. "I know how you are feeling." Kanan finally said. "I've always felt I should be the one who was dead, not my master. She would still be saving lives. She would have defeated the Empire instead of me, a Jedi who was not even fully trained, attempt to do the impossible. But, she could do it. Yes, Ezra, I know what it feels like. But, we need to overcome it and learn that they did it so we can have a second chance to win these battles, so that we can taste that freedom they fought for."

That really helped me. I stood up. "Thanks, Kanan." I told him. I walked out of the medical area and to the Ghost to move forward and fight for Sarah.

To fight for her life.


Sorry about teasing you all with that ending in the second book. I wanted you all to think she was dead.

So... yeah. See ya guys in the next chapter!


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