Chapter 9: What Happened?

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Sarah's POV

I slowly woke up. I felt wind sailing past my ears, air trying to get into my eyes, my skin as cold as ice. I was laying on something, but I couldn't tell what. It wasn't as hard as the ground, but it was not a metal floor, either. My hands felt dumb, and I felt curled up in a ball. I felt myself shivering.

I sensed around, not daring to move, not knowing where I was, but it was hard to even do that; I felt so weak and so dreary that I could barely do anything. There were rock formations all around me. It was unfamiliar to me, but it seemed similar to something else; I couldn't get it off of the tip of my tongue. I could hear footsteps behind me, multiple pairs of feet, and a droid's wheels rolling on the uneven ground. I heard mumbling, but I couldn't tell who they were from.

I risked sitting up. My head hurt a little, but the throbbing quickly diminished. I turned my head to sense behind me.

The Ghost Crew.

I sighed in relief.

Someone came by and knelt next to me, but I was too weak to sense who it was. "Thank goodness you're alright!"


I smiled. "I guess so. Still a bit weak, but I should be fine. Where are we?"

"We are in an open area on Lothal, somewhere the Empire shouldn't be able to find us. They haven't found us in the hour and a half we've been here, so I'd say it's as good of a place as any."

"Almost two hours?"

"Yeah," Hera responded, "that was some nap you took. What happened?"

I told her, "I don't know. All I remember is healing Ezra, us hugging, and... everything went black."

"You seem really worn out. Are you sure you're okay?"

I sighed. "I don't know. It's hard for me to find you."

Hera said, "Well, I could tell because you are looking in the complete opposite direction of me."

I turned my head 180 degrees to where Hera said she was. She laughed. "That's better." I heard her get off of her feet. "Get some more rest. You need it."

I smiled and dozed off faster than you could say, "Lothcat."

Kanan's POV

I saw Hera talking to Sarah. I sighed in relief. Thank goodness she's alive. When she crumpled to the ground, she vanished from the Force. Turns out she was so depleted of Force and energy that she couldn't even support her own mind and went unconscious. It's a wonder she isn't dead!

Hera came up to me. "How is she?" I asked.

"Really weak," Hera answered, "I just told her to rest more, but she wasn't even able to find out where we were."

That's not good. It doesn't take that much energy to feel where people are. She was really weak now. "No Imperial activity?"

Hera shook her head. "Not within 5 miles. We should be alright for now. Of course, we need to move if we don't want the Empire to track our signal on radar."

She seemed so busy every day, working harder and harder to help the rebellion. "What will you do afterwards?" I asked.

"After what?" she asked.

"All of this. Fighting with the Empire, hiding. When will you feel like you've done enough for the Rebellion?"

Hera shrugged. "I guess I never really thought about it."

I blurted out, "Well, then I guess you never really thought about us."

Hera looked straight into my eyes like lasers about the shoot. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that... how are we going to stay together if we are both worrying so much on the rebellion?"

Hera eased a little bit and put her hand to my cheek. "We'll find a way." We got closer.


Inches away.

"Hey, guys!"

Hera pulled back. I put my head down in sadness. Again?! Really?!

Ryder called for us, "We've got company!"

Hera and I ran over to Ryder, who spotted something.

An Imperial Cruiser.

We all ducked behind a rock and got our weapons ready. When it came to a stop, we peeked our heads out from the top of the rock and put our weapons in a ready position.

The door slid open.

"Look what I go--"

We fired. Two purple ears bounced back into the door.

"Zeb?!" we all asked.

He poked his head out slowly. He gave a nervous chuckle. "Guess I should have warned you guys. I stole a cruiser."

We all sighed in relief and helped Zeb unload supplies. "Hey," Zeb asked us, "when were Ezra and Sabine supposed to arrive?"

"A while ago," Hera answered, "but they found an Imperial base. They need to move slowly or they'll get caught. Just be patient, Zeb. They'll get here when they get here."

Zeb nodded, and we all continued to take boxes, not realizing the Empire was slowly growing nearer and nearer with a new, more dangerous foe to face.

I'm trying to update as much as possible, so stay tuned for some more soon. Bye!!


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