Chapter 38: Head to Head

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Sarah's POV

I sprinted towards the nearest door and closed it. That's when I remembered that the rest of the rebels were still locked in the cell. I wanted to bang myself in the head for forgetting them, but I didn't have the time for that. Right now, I had to figure out how to get Ezra back to the Light Side before he is fully consumed.

Two red lightsabers came through the door on either side of me. I jumped from the door and bolted down the corridor.

I was scared for my life. How was I supposed to comprehend that my brother was evil, the rest of the rebels were trapped, and Vader convinced Ezra that I was his worst enemy?!

I noticed that there was a vent system above me. And right now, I needed somewhere to breathe. I jumped up, opened the hatch, and crawled inside, closing the hatch behind me.

I curled myself up into a ball and took deep, but wobbly, breaths. I had honestly never been this scared in my life. Everything seemed to be spiraling out of control, not to mention the Prophecy slowly coming true. Maybe this was what Ezra felt like when I killed all of those people on front of him.

It didn't matter now. What I needed to focus on was getting everyone back to base safely.

I crawled around in the ventilation system a little bit before coming to an air vent. I looked down and saw an open room with screens and buttons all around the walls.

This must have been the control room. I could free the rest of the rebels with this!

As quietly as I could, I opened the vent and jumped down.

Unfortunately, that quiet didn't last long.

A door opened to reveal Dark Ezra and Vader. I sighed and pulled out my lightsaber. I spoke directly to Ezra, "Ezra, I know you're still in there. You can fight this."

All Dark Ezra did was laugh. "You really are desperate, huh? Honestly, I didn't imagine the Impossible Jedi could be so weak."

Vader turned to Ezra and said, "You know what to do." Ezra nodded and turned to face me. I looked down at his arm to see him grabbing his sleeve.

The same sleeve with the scar.

I used the Force to push him against the wall, putting his arms in a position where they could not reach each other.

Unfortunately, they were planning for this to happen. Ezra smirked and used the Force on me, making my mind feel like it was being ripped apart at the seams. This had to have been the third time this week this has happened to me.

Vader Forced me backwards to a wall, too. I hit my head in the process, causing Ezra to be released. He slowly walked over to me, still tearing my mind apart. He whispered ominously in my ear, "Now you will know what it feels like to be ripped apart and put back together."

Before I could process anything, he lifted up his sleeve and my eyes saw the scar.

The pain I felt during that moment was more than every torture I had ever suffered through combined. Everything slowly turned black.

But, one thing kept me through the pain.

Neither can live if the other is dead.

I didn't care that Ezra was evil. I didn't care that I was being torn apart. All I focused on was not giving in because I did, or if I died, so would he.

My eyes opened wide. I had an idea.

I used all the power I had to get one hand off of the wall. I reached out and grabbed Ezra's wrist.

Book 3 of 3: Our Last Stand (Book 3 of "Family of Rebels")Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon