A/N: Ending

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Hello, everyone. Yes, it is your beloved writer who took way too long of breaks between chapters... yay...

Well, it has been a lot of fun writing for you guys, so I just wanted to clear a few things up before I don't return for another 7 weeks because let's be real, guys, with my track record, that's probably what's gonna happen. 😁


Let's begin!

1) The Prophecy to a Close:
     Well, the Prophecy was indeed completed. Sarah was the one who died, and a part of Ezra died, too: that connection with Sarah. It is always hard to lose a loved one, especially a sibling. So yes, the "neither can live if the other is dead" part refers to Sarah's actual life and Ezra's old life.

2) Sarah's Death:
     Yes, I killed off my first OC. It was so much fun putting her into the Rebel's world, giving her her own powers and making her different from other rebels. Of course, if I had kept her alive, then there might be questions on why she wasn't helping in the original trilogy, and it was just easier to kill her off. Like I had said in my past books, this character was created by my sister, Sarah. She read the end of it, and she thought it was great. So, I kept it the way it was.

3) Sarah's Split Sides
     There seemed to be another person inside of Sarah, another side to her. This creates a fear of herself, along with the fear of the Empire, losing Ezra, and dying. But, fear isn't something one should have while trying to defeat something as big as an Empire. But, this was what she had to face. A split side also meant that it could come up at any point, making everyone else fear her, too. All of this led to some distrust in the strongest, and most dangerous, person alive.

4) Ezra Turns:
     Indeed, Ezra went to the Dark Side. I was debating on whether or not it would be Sarah or Ezra, but Sarah might have seemed to overpowered. Showing her at her weakest moments would make her seem more human than she might have been earlier in the book. Also, seeing Ezra's true Dark Side was what I was waiting for in the show, but they never did!😢 So, I decided to make that a reality.

5) The Final Battle
     I know the final battle wasn't as spectacular as I was prepping for, but the book was going on way too long to make it the greatest battle I've ever done. But, at least there was a conclusion, right?

6) Veering From the Show
     Honestly, the ending of the show wasn't as great as I was expecting it to be. I thought we would have some huge battle with Vader, or Ezra turns evil, and a vision of Kanan helps Ezra turn good again. But, we can't always get what we want. So, I made my own ending. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed changing it. I thought the fights and personal conflicts were a good transition to my version of the end.

7) Exactly One Year Later
     One year after that dreaded day of Sarah's death, the rebellion had won, and Ezra was on Lothal. He and the rest of the rebels had helped him create a nice little graveyard for Kanan and Sarah. Like Ezra said, why not let it be where it all began? Kanan had found Ezra there, and Ezra found Sarah. It just seemed like the perfect place for them to stay: right where the Ghost crew became whole.

And that's it! Thank you to everyone who stayed with me throughout this trilogy, and please send any ideas you have about one-shots, series, or books you want me to write.

For the last time in this trilogy:

May the Force be with you, always.


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