Chapter 8: Surprises in Store

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Sarah's POV

I sensed Imperial ships and stormtroopers surround us. I "looked" around, hoping to find an escape from this mess.

Then, I remembered something: Old Joe's had a sewer entrance in the back. I telepathically told everyone, Run into Old Joe's and go to the sewer hole in the back. Be prepared for Imperials in there. Jai Kell became very scared during that; I almost burst out laughing.

As soon as I finished "saying" that, a stormtrooper fired at us. Kanan dodged the blast and yelled, "Let's go!" Everyone bolted to Old Joe's. I stood in the back and put up small force fields to block the incoming shots behind us.

"We're in!" Zeb yelled from the door. I dived in and Zeb locked the door. He grabbed me, helped me up, and I followed him into the sewer line.

When we got down, everyone looked to me. I didn't really know where to go next. I just knew there were a lot of different entrances and exits, too many for the Empire to possibly block all of them.

But, I sensed something. Someone. Someone ready to help us.

Someone waiting for us.

I didn't know how to get there, but I knew which exit it was at.

"Does anyone know where Exit 35-F is?" I asked.

"Chop can find out." Hera said, and Chopper immediately got to work.

Ezra came up and asked, "Why 35-F?"

I told him, "Someone is waiting to help us. I can feel it."

Before he could reply with a sarcastic comment, Chopper found a route and started leading the way.

Kanan's POV

I guess we're following Chopper through the tunnels. This won't end well...

I hate being right in these situations.

Just two minutes after we started walking, we could hear stormtroopers running through the pipes. Chopper wheeled in the other direction and we all started running. We couldn't let them come near us in fear they will catch up or shoot us.... well, maybe we don't have to worry about them actually hitting us...

Either way, we ran.

We almost made it to the exit without getting caught, but some troops came around the corner and spotted us. They fired at us, so Ezra, Sarah and I stayed back and deflected shots.

The rest of our group watched Chopper fly up and try to open it. He beeped to us. "It's locked!" Hera yelled to us as he flew down from the ceiling.

They were still closing in on us. I told Ezra and Sarah, "We need to cut through the sewer cap."

"I'll put up a shield." Sarah said. With that, Sarah guarded us while I helped Ezra up to start cutting the cap.

Ezra's POV

Kanan boosted me up since there was no ladder and kept me steady on his shoulders. I knew I needed to really swing hard to make a hole all the way through the cap.

I brought my lightsaber down and swung as hard as I could straight up...

But, it opened before I even touched it.

And my lightsaber came inches from Ryder's face.

He became extremely pale and almost fell into the hole. I stumbled back and realized I wasn't on solid ground until I hit the actual ground. Not very hard, though; Kanan slowed me down halfway.

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