Chapter 16: Escape

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Hera's POV

My head hurt like crazy. My sight was blurry and I was just coming to. I slowly sat up until my head was touching the glass of the hatch above me. I hit my fist on it, but it wouldn't budge. I hit it harder and harder. Nothing. I was starting to not be able to breathe from the smoke coming from the dashboard.

I heard a punch from outside. I looked around and saw that one of the pilots was with Chopper climbing up on my ship, trying to help me out.

It took some effort, but he finally got it open. I fell out, breathing in a semi-fresh breath of air. The pilot held his hand out and help me back onto my feet.

"Thanks," I said, "Did anyone else make it."

He shook his head. "Not from who I checked."

I sighed. It was ridiculous of me to think the Empire wouldn't set predicaments in case we came back, not after our raid into the city.

We walked around in silence, not really knowing where to go, what to look for, or what to expect....

Sarah's POV

My hidden scar was burning like crazy! It was a good thing Caleb was driving, or else I think I would have almost crashed into everyone with how messed up my head was feeling.

Even while that was happening, I couldn't stop thinking about if Hera was in one of those crashing rebel ships.

Before I knew it, thankfully, we entered the smoke-ridden city of my home. We all jumped off of our speeders.

"We should split up, cover more ground." Caleb thought.

We all agreed. I mean, this was a huge city. We needed to find Hera as soon as possible.

I went with Zeb while Sabine went with Caleb and Ezra.

With that, we were off.


We haven't found anything in a while. Zeb and I haven't talked much during this whole thing..... actually, I haven't talked to him in a long time.

Not since I almost killed him.

"So...." I said, "... umm... do you think they were rebel ships?"

I sensed that he was uncomfortable, but he hesitantly replied, "Well, I.... I hope not."

And we were back in silence. I was more uncomfortable than he was. I had tried to kill him last time I talked to him. We used to be pretty close, sort of like cousins. Now, we are pretty much afraid of each other.

"Zeb," I said, "I'm sorry for trying to kill you. I... I should have had more control. I should have listened to you."

He stopped walking and turned around. He sighed. "It's fine." I don't think believed me because he added, "Really. I don't blame you for any of it. When you admitted to what you did when you were five, that showed that you were truly sorry for what you did, but you had the dignity to talk about your mistakes. That's what a true hero is: not perfect, but admits to their imperfections."

He smiled. I smiled back.

"So, you'll admit that you smell bad?"

He lightly punched me. Laughing he responded, "Don't push it, kid."

Wow. That felt good getting that off of my chest. It was nice to rekindle our friendship

I wish it were under better circumstances.

Hera's POV

The three of us stood around a corner, waiting for the right moment to attack the AT-ST that stood over our hatch to escape into the sewers. All the pilot and I had to do was wait for Chopper's signal and we could attack.

"Captain Syndulla," the pilot said, "I am truly sorry about the other pilots. I--"

"It's not your fault." I responded. "None of us could have expected it."

He sighed and slightly smiled. "Thanks, Captain Syndulla."

We heard a loud rumble. The pilot and I turned around towards the AT-ST to see Chopper driving a freight ship right for the walker. As it came close, Chopper jumped out and let the freight ship ram into the walker. The walker tilted from side to side, and, eventually, it crashed down.

"Let's go!" I yelled. We started running towards our escape.

Then another rumble came from behind us. I turned around to see some weird creature with a bow staff.

The spider-monkey assassin Ezra was talking about....... I think.

I grabbed my blaster and yelled back to the other two, "Get out of here! I'll take care of him."

"What?!" the pilot yelled. "Captain, we can all leave now and--"

"He'll keep following us. GO!"

Slowly, but surely, he closed the hatch.

And I was left with the assassin.

Caleb's POV

I don't see how I have not been freaking out as much as I thought I would. This was Hera we were talking about! Then again, I was probably in denial about them being rebel ships.

It could have also been that Ezra and Sabine were comforting me.

"She's going to be okay, Kanan," Sabine said, "she can handle anything that comes her way."

Ezra ran up to me and whispered, "You didn't tell Sabine, Caleb?"

Kanan. A fake name. Maybe I should tell them.

But, they might never trust me again.

But, they deserve to know.

I whispered back to Ezra, "After all of this is over."

Ezra hesitantly nodded and went back with Sabine.

Then, we all heard a rumble and a crash. We turned around to see flames rising a couple of blocks away. Instantly, we sprinted in the same direction as the flames.

We were about halfway there when some people ran into us. I quickly got up, ready to fight.

Ezra and Sabine got up, too.

So did.....

Zeb and Sarah.

I breathed a sigh of relief and helped them up.

"Did you see the flames, too?" Zeb asked.

"Yeah," I responded, "and we need to hurry."

We continued our sprint.

Hera's POV

The assassin jumped down from the ship and got into a ready position. I got into ready position, too. We stared at each other for a while. He... well, it growled. I just narrowed my eyes, waiting until he moved an inch.

It pounced. I couldn't believe it could move as fast as it did. I almost didn't pass him. As quick as lightening, we were in hand-to-hand combat. He was really good with his bow staff. Sadly, he was good enough to knock my blaster out of my hand.

He twisted my right behind me. I couldn't help but give out a small yelp. It felt like it was broken.

He picked me up and threw me towards a pile of rubble.

And everything went black.

Sorry it has been so long since I updated. A lot of people, including myself, needed to focus on science fair. Once it is over, I should have more time.


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