Chapter 29: Why?

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Sabine's POV

Sparks came up, so I shut down the machine.

I lifted my helmet up and sighed. That was the third time it sparked up. Sarah can't use these unless she wants to shock her eyeballs.

Why can't she just be allowed to use the Force? For all anyone knows, those cuffs are only blocking her good side, and her dark side is growing faster by the second!

Why did everyone think this would help? Ezra, Zeb, a few , and I even agreed that this would probably do more harm than good.

Either way, this, theoretically, should give Sarah sight again. Using the Force signature in the Jedi Temple rock, it should give her normal sight again.


Hera's POV

Honestly, it was really hard for me to go against the rest of my crew, to go against Sarah, the one who really needed the Force to do pretty much anything. But, it was majority rules, and I had to look at it from a strategic standpoint. She was more dangerous than all of us combined. Keeping her from turning even more dangerous is our best bet in keeping everyone safe.

I decided to see Sarah after Ezra did. I felt really bad for voting against her, seeing everyone's reactions. Ezra slumped to the ground right after he closed the door. Another pilot came and sat next to him for a little while, then left. I took a deep breath and walked to Ezra.

I slowly sat down next to him. He couldn't look at me. "Why did you vote for it?"

"I didn't want to, really," I answered, "but the captain has to put their opinion in. I didn't vote against her for a personal reason. I just..." I sighed, "I thought it might make sure the Dark Side of her doesn't try to hurt you, or anyone else, again."

"We don't know that, though!" Ezra said, growing in frustration. "For all any of us know, this is just stopping the Good Side of her from preventing the Dark Side from coming in. She could be fully turned by now, and we would have no idea!"

Ezra jumped up and ran off. Tears were filling up in my eyes. This really was a bad idea.

Should I take off her Force-resistant restraints?

No. That would cause people to not trust my leadership, and now being first-in-command, I can't seem like a person who questions her own decisions.

I walked in. Sarah lifted her head, but quickly put it down, probably realizing there was no way she could see who was coming in.

"Hey, Sarah." I said.

She gave a small smirk. "Hey, Hera."

There was an uncomfortable silence after that. What do I ask? How are you feeling? What is life like knowing that I voted against you being able to see and use the Force?

I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Hello?" Sarah asked.

"I'm here." I quickly said. "Sorry. It's just that I am used to you being able to..."

I stopped myself before I could say anything about her sight. It hurt too much to think about it.

"Me being able to see? Or, at least, use the Force to see?"

I sighed and nodded. I realized that she couldn't even sense that, so I said, "That pretty much sums it up."

Sarah smiled. How could she be smiling when she was blind and had no way to use the Force to just sense where I am?

"Just because I am blind," she stated, "doesn't mean I can't tell when something is wrong. What is it?"

I paused, trying to think of the best wording of what I was going to say. "I feel bad. I really do feel bad for even contributing a vote because... well, because I..."

"Because you voted against me having the ability to use the Force?" Sarah finished.

"Yeah. Look, Sarah, I truly am very sorry for it. It's just that—"

"Hera." I stopped. Sarah went on. "It's okay. I'm not mad at you for choosing that. It shows that you are worried about everyone, not just one person, which is the smart thing to do in this case."

"But you can't even tell where I am." I stated.

"So?" she answered. "I have never really been able to see anyone, anyways. The only difference is that I feel a little weaker. But, at least there isn't a little voice in the back of my head telling me to turn."

I asked, "So, the locks blocked the Light and Dark Side of the Force?"


I breathed a sigh of relief. At the beginning, I was even questioning myself about whether or not I was speaking to Sarah or Dark Sarah.

At least there is a small amount of good that came out of it.

Hola! I know this book is much longer than all of my others, but trust me, I love the ending, so stick around until the end!


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