Chapter 13: Two

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Kanan's..... I mean, Caleb's POV

I was pacing back and forth in front of the rock we were just in. Why did I say it? Why did I tell him?

Why am I still here? Why am I not going after Ezra to talk to him instead of Sarah going for me?

All the while, I'm pacing in front of a rock with a wolf watching me from inside the rock.

I'm such a pansy. Why didn't I tell him sooner? Why did I tell him?

Should I have never told him?

No. He was going to find out somehow. Might as well have been from me.

I should have laid it on him easier than just saying "Let me explain" and "Hey, Kanan was not my real name."

I was so stupid to just pile it all on him at a time like this. We are stranded on Lothal until Hera gets back. Now, Ezra thinks I'm some lying lunatic stranger that he wouldn't trust in a million years.

I kicked a rock in front of me and sat down against the rock. It felt cool, which was great versus the beating suns. I closed my eyes and tried to figure out what I would say to him when Ezra came back.

Two shadows came over me. I opened my eyes to see Sarah and Ezra standing over me. I quickly got up and looked at Ezra. His eyes were red and puffy. I glanced at Sarah, whose eyes were clear and perfectly reflected Lothal's suns. She turned around and gave us time to talk alone.

I looked back at Ezra, who was looking down now. I began to say, "Ezra, I am so sorry for not telling you my--"

He wrapped me in a hug. I was hesitant at first, but I quickly embraced back. Ezra whispered, "I'm sorry for running off. I should have stayed and listened."

I smiled. He wasn't too mad at me. He trusted me enough to hug me. That's a start.

Sarah came back around to us. She smiled. "Am I guessing correctly that it went well?"

Ezra and I laughed and nodded. Sarah laughed with us. After a while, Sabine and Zeb came back to us. Sabine informed, "The signal is up and running. Hera should know where we are."

"Great." I answered. "We should set up camp. We need to be prepared and rested when Hera comes back."

Everyone nodded and went to work.

I felt really bad, even though Ezra and I were getting better. I haven't even told Sabine and Zeb my real name. When should I tell them? Maybe after this whole war is over.

No, I should tell them sooner than that.

I'll figure that out later. Right now, I have to help them set up.

But, Sarah tapped my shoulder. I leaned down a little to compensate for her shorter height, and she whispered to me, "I need to talk to you. Please." I nodded and followed her around the rock.

She had her mask back on, but I could tell she was worried about something by her voice and the way she was tapping her foot on the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I... I felt it happen while I was setting up. I don't know what it is, but..." She took off her mask, "... it's bad." She lifted her head to face me.

There was a black scar... well, it looked more like a crack, on the left side of her forehead. It glowed an eerie red. I was shocked. I had no idea what it was, either. "Well... um..." How do you comfort someone who has impossible powers and tel them this impossible thing is noting to worry about? "How do you know it is bad?"

"I started hearing things, the sort of things that I usually hear when I... when I turn." I wanted to jump away from her just in case she turned right then and there, but I realized it would just scare her even more.

So, I just said, "Okay. Just stay calm. Just... get Sabine to get a sample of the... scar... crack... thing on your face. She can either figure out what it is, or, if actually is serious, she can send it to the Rebellion doctors."

She smiled at me weakly. "Thanks, Dad."

Immediately, both of our faces turned red. Sarah quickly said, "I-I'm so sorry.  It just sort of--"

I hugged her tighter than I have hugged anyone in the galaxy, tighter than hugging Hera. "That is the best thing I've ever wanted to hear." I told her. "I've always thought of you and Ezra like my kids."

I was, no joke, tearing up in joy. I let go of her. She had the largest smile ever on her face. "Thanks."

She left, and I swear I saw her jump with joy when she turned the corner.

Ezra's POV

I was restless that night. I couldn't stop thinking about Lothal burning. How could I stop it?

I turned to Sarah who shared my tent since we had one less than needed. She was so peaceful. She wasn't worried about anything.

But, I was. I was worried for the planet we were on. How it might be the last time I see it.

After a while of thinking about that, I finally went to sleep, still having a troubled mind, but remembering he could still help Lothal.

Sorry for it being so late. I know I said I would update more, but there is barely any signal in our campground. Also, I have a life of taking care of cousins right now, so Wattpad is on the back-burner.

See ya!


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