Chapter 7: It's Complicated

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Sarah's POV

I wish I could see what Lothal looked like now. Ezra seemed extremely sad about coming back. Why? How much damage did the Empire do?

All seven of us ran out of the ship while Visago was distracted with stormtroopers searching his ship. We all split up: Kanan with Hera, Zeb with Sabine, and me with Ezra and Chopper. We all went in different directions and searched the town.

Ezra, Chopper and I walked in silence for a while. Ezra started the conversation. "How does it feel to go back to Lothal?"

"Well," I answered, "I wish it was under different circumstances, but it is still nice to be back."

"I just wish we came earlier, maybe before the Empire completely took over this place." Ezra commented.

That was when I realized something: I had absolutely no idea what had changed from right before the rebellion took me. "Ezra," I asked, "what is different from the last time we were there?"

Ezra's emotions immediately turned sad. "Well... everything. Only the shape of the buildings looked the same as before. Everything else looks... dark, depressing, like a nightmare, with the Empire all over it."

I didn't want to hear that, but I needed to know.

We continued in silence until Ezra stopped in front of a building. I recognized the location and how much it meant to both of us. "Is this," I questioned, "Old Joe's?"

"Exactly," Ezra responded, "you know how much the people loved Old Joe. The Empire wouldn't dare take away this place."

With that, we went in.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the same place. I didn't sense Old Joe, or anyone I might recognize. All I sensed were stormtroopers, pilots, and death troopers.

This didn't feel like Old Joe's anymore.

Ezra's POV

I wanted to curse so badly at everyone in there right then and there. But, if I did, I would probably get arrested by every person there. Even the Imperial March was playing instead of the usual Lothal news.

We both grew tense and started walking back until I saw Chopper and a stormtrooper arguing. I stopped Sarah and brought her to the counter to get a drink.

A man, who was a famous pilot, came and put drinks in front of us. He stared at me for a minute before saying, "You look familiar..."

I had to say something, fast. "I... I used to come here when it was called Old Joe's."

"Understandable." He responded. "To bad about Old Joe. I know the public loved him. But, he didn't fully support us."

"So," Sarah asked, "You captured him?"

"Captured," he responded with a smirk on his face, "and executed."

I wanted to punch him so badly. I even saw Sarah's fists clenched a little, then relaxed.  Mine were still ready to knock his lights out. She stood up and said, "We should get going."

I quickly followed behind her, and she whispered to me, "We have to stay calm or we'll get caught."

"Okay. Fine." I responded in a slightly annoyed tone.

Suddenly, the pilot said, "Guards, stop them!"

The stormtroopers and death troopers converged on us.

A stranger came from the corner. "Hey, guys! We've been looking for you!!"

I tried to improvise. "Oh... hey!"

He put his elbow on Sarah's shoulder, which made me feel slightly uncomfortable and probably a world of discomfort for Sarah; you could pretty much see it on her face. "Did you forget to pay for your drinks?"

"Oh!" I responded. "I... I don't have any credits. I thought you had credits." I motioned towards Sarah.

Calmly, as if she knew exactly what was happening, "I don't have any credits. I thought you had them."

"Don't worry!" the stranger said. "I'll pay for it." He gave the pilot some credits and told him, "Keep the change."

"Well... thank you!" the pilot said. Sarah and I followed him out of Old Joe's.

As soon as we were out of there, the person said to me, "I'm surprised you forget my name. Then again, you look really different since the academy days, too, Ezra."

I looked at him for a little bit. How did he know I was at the academy?

Wait a second...

"Jai Kell?"

He smiled. "Yep."

"Wow! It really has been a while!" I said.

He looked over at Sarah, then back to me. "Who's your girlfriend?"

Sarah and I started cracking up. "We're siblings!" I laughed.

He turned red and laughed with us. "Whoops!" After a while, Jai asked, "So, what brings you two home?"

I told him, "It's... complicated."

As soon as I said that, Kanan and Hera came up to us in a local ship. "We've got a ride. We need to leave soon. The Empire is closing in on us." Hera told us.

We started getting in...

The Empire came around the ship. A lot of stormtroopers, tank ships, and walkers closed in around us.

So much for in-and-out quietly....

Thanks for reading. I don't have much to say other than I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!


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