Chapter 39: The Final Battle

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Sarah's POV

My arms felt like they were on fire! Maybe I did take too much of Ezra's Force than I could handle. My arms were cracking at the seams, shining with ominous black and red light!

I wanted to scream to try and ease the pain, but they would just find me faster.

I opened the nearest door and locked it behind me. I looked around.

I found rows of canisters lining the main wall, most filled with what looked like energy or batteries.

There was one empty container on the shelf. Perfect! I could put Ezra's Force in there!

As I opened the up, my arms started to twitch from the pain. Calm down, Sarah, I thought, this will all be over soon.

I took Ezra's Force out of me, slowly and painfully. Soon, as I got all of his Force out of me, the pain subsided, and my crack healed back up to where it was before I grabbed Ezra. I sealed the glass canister and bolted out of there, just in case they were looking in here next.

I ran through corridor after corridor, trying to find a way out of this maze of hallways.

Suddenly, I ran into a group of people. I was so terrified for my life that I stood up faster than I ever had before and got ready to take a swing at them. They held up their blasters, ready to kill me.

It was the rebels.

I sighed and gave them a huge hug. Hera hugged back. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Where are you guys headed?" I asked, hoping it was as far away from Ezra and me as possible.

"Off to the landing bays. Come on." Sabine said.

"I can't, guys," I responded, "Ezra is still out there. I need to get him back."

"Are you sure about this, Sarah?" Zeb asked.

"More than anything," I replied. I handed my canister to Zeb. "Keep that away from Ezra at all costs. But, don't break it; he'll need it later."

They nodded and went on their way. I went in the other direction, hoping to catch Ezra by surprise. And, the best way to do that was through the vents.

Ezra's POV

Slowly, but surely, my sight came back to normal. Like I expected, I couldn't feel the rest of my body. Great, I was still being controlled.

But, I could tell that Dark Me was definitely weaker. After what Force Sarah took and me taking control for a bit, he was worn out!

Unfortunately, so was I. Sarah had taken a good amount of Force from Dark Me, but that involuntarily took some from me, too.

Dark Me stopped running. He sensed around and started running in the other direction. Did he find Sarah? Was he going back for the other rebels? Had Vader talked to him through the Force?

He stopped in the middle of the hallway. At lightning speed, he whipped out his (and my) lightsaber and cut one side of the vents.

Someone tumbled out from them and landed on the ground hard.


She slowly tried to get up, but it looked as though she landed on her head. She had to lean on the wall to stand up all the way.

Dark Me lunged at her, ready to kill. Sarah finally realized what was going on and put up a shield to block the lightsaber.

She pushed the Force field (Ha! Puns!😁) outward so that Dark Me was pushed to the wall. When he looked back up, Sarah was already turning the corner at the end of the hallway. Dark Me bolted after her, giving me time to try and think of a better way to get him out of my body.

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