Chapter 35: Almost Back

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Sarah's POV

Vader slowly walked over to me, his breathing sending shivers down my spine. "Where's Ezra?" I asked, worried to death about him.

"He has joined the Empire. He serves me now."

For about two seconds, I believed him. Then, I realized that if he really did, Ezra would be in here, not him.

I gave a smirk and said, "Prove it."

He couldn't. Instead, he put his hands out and used the Force on me.

Instantly, I felt and unbearable amount of pain in my head. I screamed, praying for it to stop.

It didn't.

Ezra's POV

Thrawn smiled at me. He spoke into a communicator, "Ready when you are."

Less than two seconds later, I heard a high-pitched scream echo through the halls. I recognized it instantly.


I struggled with the bindings again. "What are you doing to--?!?!"

The droid zoomed next to me and shocked me numerous times. I screamed, too. I had never been electrocuted for that long. And, with the addition of the metal chains burning marks on my ankles and wrists, I screamed even louder.

After forever, it stopped. I was finally able to breathe again. I looked up at Thrawn and breathlessly asked, "Why... are yo... you d-doin... sigh... doing th-th-this?"

Thrawn knelt down in front of me and lifted my chin. "Young Bridger, we can't have you two working for your rebellion anymore." He stood up. "We will find a way to break you... eventually."

With that, he left the room to leave me with the screams of Sarah still ringing on. I was on the brink of tears listening to her suffer.

But, there was nothing I could do to help her.

I never felt so helpless in my life.

Sarah's POV

I felt my sight slowly turning red. All I focused on was not turning. I know that was what Vader wanted me to do. What he didn't realize was that I was slowly getting out of the cuffs. Just a little bit more and I would be out.

There! I fell down onto the floor, but quickly used the Force on Vader's mind. He released his grip of my mind. I Forced his lightsaber to me and opened the door. Vader lunged at me, but I closed the door before he could touch me. Using his lightsaber, I ignited it and plunged it into the controls that opened the door. That should hold him for a while.

I started running through the corridor, looking for Ezra, when I ran directly into someone. Instinctively, I reignited Vader's lightsaber and got ready to fight off more people.

But, they lunged at me first...

And hugged me?

It was Sabine. "Sabine!" I exclaimed.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" Sabine said. A group of rebels appeared from behind her, including Zeb and Hera.

"Where's Ezra?" Zeb asked.

"I don't know," I answered, "I was just looking for him."

Hera turned to us. "We need to hurry. We have no idea what they could be doing to him.

We bolted to the nearest control panel, praying that Ezra could be found on it.

Ezra's POV

A dozen stormtroopers came running into my cell, guns at the ready. They cut the chains off of me but left the cuffs on. They quickly hustled me out of the cell and through a bunch of corridors. All the while, I am trying to figure out a way to get Sarah out and escape.

But, nothing came to mind. I couldn't even think up a way to get out of these stupid cuffs!

Suddenly, shots fired from in front of me. The stormtroopers became distracted from me and started shooting back. One of the stormtroopers had my lightsaber attached to their hilt.

Unfortunately, they were in the front.

A gun hit the back of my head. I fell down, but I wasn't out cold. I crawled back up just to see the barrel of a gun at my head.


He grabbed me and put me in a headlock.

In front of me, all of the stormtroopers were on the ground. A couple years behind them was a group of rebels. One of which, included Sarah.

"Let him go, Thrawn." Sarah demanded.

"You think you can scare me with your demands?" Thrawn said, squeezing my neck even tighter, causing me to start to choke.

Sarah saw me, looked back up at Thrawn, and said, "You will let him go." I looked down to see her hand in a Mind Trick position. I smirked. She knew what she was doing.

"I... I will... NO!" Thrawn threw something that seemed to be a grenade of some sort. Instantly, an eye-piercing white light shown throughout the area.

Thrawn shot me in the back, and I was out cold.

Dun, dun, DUUNN!!!

Not great at cliffhangers, but oh well.


Book 3 of 3: Our Last Stand (Book 3 of "Family of Rebels")حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن