Chapter four

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Hunter's POV

I hit snooze about 5 times before I actually get up, Uggggh Mondays should be illegal.

I throw on my practice jersey scarfing down some eggs and shouting a quick 'love you' to my parents and rush out the door. I'm an only child and I'm not going to lie my parents spoil me a bit so I have my own car even though I only got my license last month.

I pull into the parking lot and honk my horn announcing my arrival, where I am greeted by my bestfriend Drew who gives me a fist bump.

"You're early."

"I thought I was late?" He responds to this with a large smirk.

"You are- but your earlier than usual."

This response earns him a smack on the head.

"OWWWWWWWW!" He cries in protest causing me to grin.

"You deserved that."

"Touché." With that we head to practice- late as usual, pushing each other into every possible locker on the way. When we walk in all eyes turn to us and immediately I put on a sheepish smile.

"Sorry we're late coach-" He interrupts me with a wave of his hand

"Lets skip the excuses I've heard it all before, just get your butts over on the mats and drop and give me fifty." I put a big smile on my face as we walk towards the mats, our coach knows us too well. I have a feeling he is going to make this practice hell just for us,

Whoops sorry guys.


I was right, that was an intense workout. I shrug off my shirt and jump into the showers, the cold water feels good on my now sore muscles.

I throw on shorts and a jersey just as the bell rings to go to first block.

Math, oh great. The day goes by excruciatingly slow; another perk of Monday, that is until my favorite class of the day, Art. It's not my favorite because of the art; no. It is my favorite because it is the class that she is in.

I have other classes with her of course, but this is the one class where we sit by each other; where I can observe her from close.

The teacher Mr. Cook has us all gathered around his desk and is rambling on about the art of contour drawing and how to best add the little creases and such but I'm honestly paying no attention. I am watching as she stares; memorizing every step and chews her bottom lip in that adorable way she always does when she is deep in thought.

I don't notice we are supposed to head back to our seats until Drew who is also in my class nudges my shoulder snapping me out of my daze.

Hurriedly I make my way back and when I am certain I have no eyes on me I turn my head to look at her.

Her eyebrows are furrowed in concentration at the work in front of her, and I cannot help the smile that slowly creeps its way unto my face.

I am interrupted from my thoughts as Drew, Trent, and Cameron, get into a loud conversation.

"Dude my grades were so horrible my parents hate me!"

"Awwww Trent your parents always hated you- it's not just cause of the grades." Drew says with a smirk, and resulting in snorts from over half the class.

"But dude seriously, parents who hate their children shouldn't be parents at all!" I look over to see her reaction and am shocked to see her face pale she is looking down at her wrist and moving one of her thick bracelets, tracing her finger over something and muttering under her breath.

And that's when I see them.

Long red slashes up and down her arm.

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