Chapter 13

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"Well...Ariana I was trying to you was that." I paused and took a deep breath before continuing, "Look Ariana, I like you more than a best friend, I love you. I get really jealous when you hang out with Jai all the time and I just hate being hurt all the time." I finished looking directly at her trying to read her expressions,and see what she thought about this.Her expression was unreadable. I wasn't able to tell what she was thinking for once.

"What?" Ariana asked with her eyes bulging out staring at me like I was insane or crazy for saying something like that.


Ariana's POV

Did Justin just tell me he loves me? I definately was not expecting this to be what he had to tell me.How do I respond to this without ruining our friendship? I don't love Justin, he's my best friend. There is no possible way I could ever tell him I don't feel the same without losing our entire friendship.

"Ariana, I said I loved you." he repeated himself.

What do I say? I need to tell him I don't feel the same without hurting him.

"Justin, I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you." I said feeling guilty instantly when I saw hurt and sadness in his eyes.

He didn't say anything else. He stood there for a moment numb as if he didn't want to believe this was happening but it was and he was more hurt than I have ever seen him. Why did I have to do this?

"Bye Ariana." he said tears filling his eyes before running of into the distance to who knows were.

He wasn't going home because he went the opposite way and he wasn't going anywhere near here.I wanted to run after him and just hug him and make him feel better but this time I can't.

I did this to him and I can't fix it unless if I tell him I feel the same but I don't. I love Jai not Justin. I only loved Justin as a best friend or as a brother not any other way.

But I still feel horrible.

Best Friends; Jariana [completed]Where stories live. Discover now