Chapter 25

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Two Months Later

Ariana's POV

It been two months since I last talked to Justin since the phone call when he told me to forget about him.

I have been trying to forget about him and trying to pretend I never knew him but its hard and I miss him - a lot actually.

The only time I hear about him is on magazines or on the news but who knows if they are rumors or the truth, only Justin but he hasn't talked to me so I can't ask him.

My birthday party was tonight,and I was having a huge party including Kylie, Liz, Kendall and many more, one of them being Justin.

I texted him a few times inviting him and he didn't answer so I'm not sure if he's coming but you can only hope for the best right.

If he doesn't come I'll be done - forget about him for good and if he does come I might not let him go.

I really do hope he comes though because it won't be my birthday without him standing my side leaning over my shoulder as I blew out the candles on my cake, the way he always has for every birthday since I met him.

I got up from my bed and went to go take a hot shower then get ready for the party soon.

I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower so it could warm up,while I was waiting for the shower to warm up I picked out my outfit.

I grabbed my black and white polka dot crop top with my pink and white polka dot skirt and placed them on my bed for when I get out the shower.

When I got out the shower I got dressed and did my hair quickly because the party should be starting soon.

I did my hair in my usual style half up half down with the ends curled and did my usual makeup.

I heard the door bell ring meaning the first person had arrived.

I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before going down to open the door.

Everyone Arrived

The party was in full swing now, everyone has arrived well almost everyone.

I have been looking for Justin all night hoping any minute now he'll come walking through that door,but as time goes by my hope in fading.

The party was gonna be over soon and he still wasn't here,and he probably wasn't coming but I still deep down want to believe he is.

Hours Later

There was only thirty minutes left until the party was over and still nothing.

He still hasn't showed up even though people are beginning to leave there is still a small bit of hope.

Everyone had just left and still nothing, didn't even stop by but its stupid of me to think you ever would show up.

What would ever even make me believe that you would show up in the first place?

Maybe the hope that you wouldn't wanna miss my birthday or want to talk to but thats been proven wrong now.

I've realized when you told me to forget about you,you were gonna forget about me too.

Author's Note :

I decided to put this chapter in Ariana's POV but don't worry the next one will be both POV and it will be further in time like time has passed you know what I mean.

What's coming next?


- Kat

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