Chapter 38

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(Ariana’s POV)

      We walked out the tour bus - hand in hand - and headed into the arena for Justin’s rehearsal before the show and before all the fans showed up.His rehearsals usually weren’t your typical pre-performance rehearsal,it was more just a freestyle time because they put music on and everyone including all the dancers and crew just do whatever dance moves,sing whatever songs they want and sometimes they add a few new movies to certain songs.

    Justin and his dancers were just fooling around and listening to the radio as I sat on the edge of the stage looking out into all the seats in this huge arena that would be filled in just a few hours with a bunch of excited and screaming fans who are just happy to be there and to be able to see their idol when my favorite song at the moment — Clarity by Zedd came on and I hummed along to the lyrics until Justin came up to me and grabbed my hand pulling me up and started dancing with me because he knew I loved this song.He held my hand in his and he continued to dance around me. I laughed at his weird dance moves. 

"What is that suppose to be," I giggled watching him continue his weird ways."I don't know," He chuckled as the music still boomed through the room.

        Suddenly the sound of loud yelling and laughter filled the air and I turned around to see Justin's crew dancing around in a circle. Justin grabbed my hand and dragged me over to them.One of Justin's dancer stood in the middle moving her hips and feet swiftly rocking to the beat of the sound. I stood there amazed at her dance moves and I glanced over at Justin seeing him lick his lips. I turned my attention back to the girl who's name was Carli —  I found that out because everyone kept chanting her name. Eventually she stopped dancing and made her way away from the center of circle. Justin quickly grabbed my hand and pushed me towards the middle of the circle. 

"No, no, no, no," I repeated standing still so he couldn't pull me on stage."Come on Ari please," He begged sticking out his bottom lip and staring at me with those brown eyes which he knew was my weakness because I always give in to them. I finally just decided why not  —  I have no reason not to so I may as well just let it happen. 

     A new song began to play so I started to sway my hips back and forth rocking to the beat. I could feel Justin's eyes on me as I continued to dace to New Flame by Chris Brown. I closed my eyes feeling the music while I still danced around — probably horribly. I jumped feeling a pair of big hands on my waist. I instantly opened my eyes looking down to tatted wrist realizing,it was just Justin. I looked up at him only to be met with his beautiful brown eyes already staring down at me and we just stayed like that for a second staring into each other's eyes until Justin placed a kiss on my forehead and said,"I really liked those moves you had there,where did you learn them?" instantly making me blush and say, "I don't really know,I kinda just free styled there," I shrugged before beginning to dance again but this time it was with Justin. I grabbed Justin's hands and swayed my hips and danced around as he copied almost all the moves I was doing - and adding a few of his own in too.

     Justin pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around my lower waist,his head in the crook of my neck as we swayed together to the music. I looked up at Justin once again and I saw he was biting his lip —  and I figured let me just mess with him a little bit so I started grinding my hips against him and sway my hips but not how I was before and I could tell he was really enjoying so I looked up at him again and pulled away running of the stage and sticking my tongue out at him as he chased me.I was running as fast as I could but I knew Justin was fastest so I was gonna get caught and just as I was thinking that I did —  Justin threw me over his shoulders and ran around the arena I screamed," Let Me Down Justin," a few times but I gave up once he just kept going and he did through out almost all the seats until we got back to the stage and he finally put me down,kissing my cheek and running back to rehearsal as I sat in the seats once again and watched them.


*skipped to night of the date*

    I curled the last strand of my hair the started to brush my fingers through it - unplugging the curling iron I set it aside the walked back into my room. My eyes scanned the white lace fit and flare dress on the bed. I brushed my fingers over the soft fabric picking it up so I could finally put it on.I put it on and looked in the mirror at the finished product and smiled at my appearance before checking a few last things to make sure I was all ready before grabbing my phone and my bag and heading out my hotel room and down to the lobby where Justin had a car waiting for me to take me to who knows where - i know nothing about the date besides that its fancy nothing more nothing less because Justin wanted it to be a surprise. 

    Once I got to the car it wasn't long before we got there - maybe a ten to twenty minute drive not too far but when we pulled up and the driver opened the door for me I was in awe the place was beautiful from head to toe at least the outside and I could only imagine how great the inside looked.I thanked the driver and waved to him before seeing Justin - he was standing right at the en of the walkway waiting for me with his hair in his usual quiff and a fancy black suit with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and let me just tell you he looked very handsome. I walked down the pathway heading towards him smiling when we made eye contact and when I finally reached him he looked me up and down taking in my outfit before say,"Well don't you look beautiful today,Ms.Grande," which instantly made me blush before saying,"Thank you Mr.Bieber you don't look too bad yourself," before he grabbed my hand intertwining or fingers and heading inside.

   We walked inside I was more amazed by the inside than the outside - it was a really fancy restaurant and everything was black and white and they even had outdoor seating which of course I asked Justin if we could sit out there and he said yes and went to talked to the hostess as I waited on the seats by the door. He motioned for me to come and I got up and walked behind him as we followed the waitress who led us to a table outside on the balcony were we took a seat at a table in the middle and it was really empty in fact we were the only ones out here so I said," Justin,did you rent this whole area out just for us because you didn't -" I was cut of by Justin grabbing my hand and saying," It was necessary I just wanted this to be me and you so I rented it out for us and don't even try to protest because I wanted to do this." I rubbed the back of his hand and gave him a small smile before looking at the menu and deciding what to eat looking over at Justin a few times over my menu hoping he didn't catch me.

Author's Note - 

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter xx,comment what you thought of it 

- Kat

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