Chapter 24

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Ariana POV

I knew,I needed to tell him the truth and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna just tell him how I've been feeling and hope for the best.

"Justin,I was hurt,really hurt and angry that's why I didn't answer." I spoke into the phone and listened for his response.

"I'm sorry,Ariana. I knew I hurt you..." he said his voice trailing off at the end.

I could hear in his voice that he really was sorry but there was something else in his tone of voice that made me think he wasn't sure what he wanted and I had a feeling that when he finally figured it out it would not be something good.

"Yea,you did Justin.You really did." I replied in a sad tone.

He didn't respond right away,he didn't say anything for a second,not even making a sound from what I heard at least.

"Ariana,you can't be hurting because of me. You need to let me go,forget about me,forget about everything we have,forget about all we've been through,forget about our friendship,forget about your feelings for me and just forget I ever came it your life," he paused took a deep breath and sniffled," It's better for you,and you will have lot less pain and sadness in our life with me out of it.I can promise you that,and it may not be that way at first but in the end it will be so well I guess this it goodbye..."

The line went dead, making a quick beeping noise before my phone redirected me back to the home screen.

I just stared at it,trying to process what he just said.I sat here staring at the blank screen on my phone and just trying to figure this out.

How does he expect me to just forget about him,it just doesn't happen like that.

I can't forget him.

He's my best friend,the one i love,one of the few people that have been there for me through everything and he wants me to forget him and his reasoning for it is confusing me,i don't know if he's right or not.He thinks that forgetting about him will cause be less pain and sadness in my life and I don't know if he's right.

He has hurt me a lot and caused me alot pain and sadness but he has done so many good things that i don't know if I really would be better off without him,I may even be worse without him,without him around,without him by my side,without him to help me when I need someone.

He has been there to cheer me up and make me feel better every time even when he didn't do anything he was always the one that made me feel better,the only one.

I realized,that I won't be better off with him,or without him at this time,in my life because either way I won't see him for a while so it will be like he'd not even here,or in my life right now anyway.

I'm going to do my best to try and forget him like he said.

It will probably be the hardest thing I have ever had to do but if thats what he wants than I'll do it,I'll do it for him.



Should the next chapter be in Justin's POV?

Is Ariana trying to forget him a good idea?

- Kat

Best Friends; Jariana [completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant