Chapter 17

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Justin POV

I froze when I saw her - Ariana that is.Here she was standing less than a foot away from me with a worried and apologetic look in her face.

She starred at me for a few minutes taking in every single feature and every single detail.

"Justin, I'm sorry. Sorry for the way I made you feel. Sorry about how much I hurt you. Sorry we're even in this situation. Sorry about it all." she spoke her voice getting a bit shaking as if she was nervous.

"Ariana, I don't think you understand. Sorry isn't gonna fix it this time. I've been threw a lot more than something a sorry can fix at this point. You don't understand how hurt I am, how much you hurt me, how it feels like,You don't..."I said my voice trailing off at the end.

"No, Justin.You got it wrong. I do understand, I understand how it feels - all of it,every single bit of it. I once felt this way when I saw my best friend flirting with other girls, dating other girls, kissing other girls, girls that weren't me.I wondered why he didn't want to do those things with me ; I wondered if I wasn't good enough for him, I wondered why he left me," she paused for a second looking down at her feet then saying," That best friend was you Justin. You were the one I felt that way about so don't tell me I don't know how you feel."

I never knew she felt that way about me then,I thought I was just her best friend that's it.

I wish she would have told me then because if she did maybe she would be with me right now,not Jai and maybe I wouldn't be feeling like this right now and she wouldn't have had to gone through that.

I would never wish that feeling on my worst enemy - let alone my best friend.

I didn't know what to say to her after that.I didn't know if I should even say anything.I didn't know what to tell her.I didn't know is I should just hug her,or just stand here and not say anything.

"I-I'm Sorry Ariana-a." I stuttered like a hopeless idiot embarrassing myself.

I don't even know why I stuttered.I had just made a complete fool of myself stuttering like an idiot, a nervous idiot.

I hate when that happens, every time I'm nervous or upset I always stutter and I can't help it. I don't mean for it to happen, it just does and when it does I hate it.

Ariana was just starring at me blankly like she wasn't expecting that or like she was surprised I apologized or even surprised I stuttered.

She knew what it meant by now - my stutter that is because she knew me when I always used to stutter like every sentence and she knew what it meant when I stuttered now.

"I know you said that sorry won't fix this but I am sorry,really sorry actually." she said walking away without saying another word not even waiting for my reaction.

I still didn't get those few words I desperately wanted her to say.I wanted her to say it back.I wanted her to say she felt the same way I did.

I wanted her to say I love you too Justin.

I can dream right.

Best Friends; Jariana [completed]Where stories live. Discover now