Chapter 22

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Justin POV

Tomorrow,I'm leaving tomorrow.I don't wanna go,I don't wanna leave Arian but I need to.

I have decided that I can't tell her,bit she needs to find out from me somehow so I'm gonna tell her but not with words.

I'm gonna write it all down and put it in her room for her to see after I leave.I was going over there now,because I know she's not home,which makes it the perfect time.

I got the spare key from under the mat and opened the door. I had the letter in hand,in an envelope with Ariana's name on it.

It read "Ariana,I'm Sorry" on the front of the envelope in the center in cursive.

I went up to her room and placed it in her bedside table,before walking out shutting the door.

I went home and finished packing my stuff before going to bed early,because the bus was coming to pick me up at 6 am.

*Next Morning*

I got up at 5:30 and took a hot shower and just thought about a few things,mainly about Ariana.

I was gonna miss her a lot,and I know me leaving again will hurt her especially because I didn't really say an actual goodbye to her.I couldn't,I don't want to see her hurt even though I know that it will hurt her more by doing this,I just couldn't tell her.

"Justin,C'mon.The bus will be here any minute." Mom called from downstairs.

"Be right,down." I screamed down before getting out of the shower.

I put on a white beater,Mario pajama pants and my blue and red snapback to match my pants,and grabbed my bags bringing them outside to the bus.

I went back inside one more time to make sure I had everything. I scanned the room and I saw something I needed.

It was a picture,not just any picture thought,a picture of me and Ariana from when we were little.

I grabbed it and went out to the bus. I looked back at the house on last time before getting on the bus.

This was it,I'm leaving.

Ariana POV

We had just gotten home from New York to pick up my brother Frankie.

I had texted Justin,multiple times today,inviting him over,telling him I was gonna be home today and he didn't answer any of them.

I went up to my room and put my bags on the back of the door and laid down,putting my headphones in just looking around the room.

I placed my phone on the bedside table after I was done listening to music for today.

Something extraordinary on the table caught my eye,It was a letter entitled "Ariana,I'm Sorry" on the front of the envelope.

I opened it curious as to what it was and read it out loud.

I'm sorry,I couldn't do this in person but I have something to tell you and I have since you told me you loved me too.

I have to go on tour again,I'm so sorry but there is nothing I can do,by the time your reading this I'm probably gone by now,no I'm sure I'll be gone but I want you to know something.

I love you,with all my heart Ariana,you mean so much to me and I really didn't want to leave you,I want to be with you,I want to stay,I want to be your boyfriend but How?

How could I be those things from so far away? I can't,I can't be those things from here but I want you to have those things even if its not with me right now.

I don't want you to wait for me,I don't want you to wait another two years for me.

I want you to be with someone,I want you to move on I want you to find someone who won't let you do like I do,I want you to find someone who can tell the truth,I want you to be with someone who is always there for you and I'm afraid I'm none if those things.

I will always love you thought Ariana and I always will and I hope that when I get back maybe we can try this for real.

I'll miss you.

Your Jay :)

By the end of the note I had tears running down my cheeks.

He just left,again without telling me,without saying goodbye,not even a text,not even telling me he was leaving.

I was beyond hurt.Hurt because he didn't tell me and because he was leaving me alone again,but this time for two years not one,two whole years just when everything was perfect and better again.

I'm going to miss him,so much.



Justin's gone and Ariana's left alone and hurt.

I feel bad for her,Poor Ari.

- Kat

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