Chapter 32

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(Ariana's POV)

"Luke?" I asked looking at him shocked that he was here. I felt Justin's body tense up under mine and I moved past him slightly.

"Um, Sorry is this not a good time?" He questioned gazing at me then glancing at Justin coldly. I looked over at somewhat pissed Justin who shot Luke a cold glare.

Why would he even be mad that he's here? I mean I know we have a deal but it's not like there's anything going on with Luke and I anymore. I honestly don't even know why he's here. I haven't talked to him in weeks and haven't planned on it.

"No, it's not a good time" I said glancing at the ground not want to see his or Justin's face at the moment.

"Okay, well I really need to talk to you so call me later?" He replied in somewhat of a question, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"About what?"

"Us," He responded simply avoiding eye contact with me.

"There is no us anymore" I tried to say in the nicest way possible.

"You never really told me why you wanted to end it" He murmured scratching the back of his head.

"Well because-"

"-She loves me" Justin shrugged his shoulders interrupting me.

I looked at him giving him a 'what are you doing look' then looked back at a now pissed Luke. Luke looked at me and waited for me to explain what Justin just said.

"Um-I-I don't know" I stuttered feeling a little pressure to answer the question. I fumbled with my fingers as I looked down at the concrete ground.

"You don't know what?" Justin said slightly confused at what I said.

"I don't know if I love you," I admitted not looking up from the ground. I could feel his eyes on me as stood there my heat racing.

"Ari" Justin mumbled stepping in front of me. His hand lifted up my chin making me look him in the eye. He gazed into my eyes and looked at them seeing a little doubt. "Let's go," He said before grabbing my hand rushing past Luke. He led me over to the passenger side of the car opening the door for me and I hopped in. The hot leather seat instantly hit the bare parts of my back.

He walked over to the driver's side and shut the door quickly getting his keys out of his pocket. He started the engine and backed out of my drive way the tires of his car screeching.

The silence in the car was starting to scare me as he sped down the street to I don't even know where now.

"Justin look I'm sorry it's just you've been gone so long and you've been with Selena and I just started having doubts and-"

"You think I wasn't keeping my promise I get it" He said not turning his attention away from the rode. His one hand he had on the steering wheel gripped it tightly.

"I love you, I really do I'm just not sure if I still love you in that way," I mumbled looking down at my hands regretting saying that.

I honestly didn't know what to feel at the moment. I told Justin everything was fine and it was okay for him to be with Selena but on the inside it hurt so damn bad to see him with her. I know he said he doesn't really love her and she's just a distraction but it still hurt. I admit I am a little jealous because if he really did love me like he said he did he wouldn't be with her. It doesn't make any sense at all. Why would you want to be with a girl when you love a different one?

I looked up at Justin seeing his jaw clench and he quickly turned a corner pulling up to a place with nothing but dirt everywhere.

He shut the car off and unbuckled his seat belt, "Get out" He said before stepping out the car.

Best Friends; Jariana [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora