Chapter 21

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Justin POV

I only have a few days left - that is until I go on tour and I still haven't brought myself to tell Ariana.

I can't. I can't do it everytime I think about telling her or go to tell her I back out when I see the sadness and worry in her eyes.

I have been spending every day with her since that night and your probably wonder what are we well - we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend.

I would love to be officially dating Ariana but I feel like if I ask her now she will be more hurt in the end when I leave her.

I wish I didn't have to go on tour and I wish I didn't have to leave her but I do and there is no way around it.

I asked Scooter multiple times if I could bring her and everytime I got the same answer - a simple no and that she would distract me.

He thinks that she'll distract me from my work but what he doesn't know is that I'll be more distracted without her knowing that she is at home hurt because of me, knowing that she is probably for someone else while I'm on tour, half way across the country thinking about her and missing her.

"Justin, Are you okay?" Ariana asked snapping me back to reality. I had completely forgot everything around me,and forget everything I was doing, I was lost in my thoughts.

"Umm yeah...I was just thinking." I replied after a few seconds when I was finally snapped back to reality.

"Thinking about what, Justin?" Ariana asked curious as to what I was thinking about.

"It's nothing." I said hoping she would let it go,wrong.

"You can tell me." She said trying to get me to crack,well I wasn't going to at least not today.

"Not this time Ari. All though I wish I could," I said trying to move on from this conversation.

"Ok." She said disappointed and a bit hurt.

I wanted to tell her, I really do but I can't, I know it will hurt her and I hate to see her hurt.

"I need to go, Ari." I said grabbing my phone and putting my shoes on.

"Bye Jay,"she asked getting up to open the door.

I walked out the door, hugging Ariana and giving her a quick peck on the cheek on the way out to my car.

I looked back at her house before opening my car door.

"I don't wanna leave her." I whispered to myself while looking back at her house from her front yard before walking to my car and opening the car door and before driving off.

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