September - Extras!

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I am an actor!

Yawning to herself, Caitlin was so tired that she couldn't be bothered to take off her Rapido cabin crew uniform. The thunderbird hat had been thrown in her bag as soon as she was out of Liverpool John Lennon airport. For that monstrosity she had found the energy to get rid of.

Now safely home there was a glance at her emails on her mobile phone. Sometimes Caitlin forgot that she was a actor, well an out of work one or a jobbing one that Caitlin liked to say. It implied that she had some work when the reality was quite different.

'Ah Cait, darling.'

Caitlin tried not to snigger at the stereotypical luvvie behaviour from Geraldine her agent.

'So glad that you got back to me. Now I might have a couple of auditions that might be right up your street.'

'Theatre?' Caitlin asked excitedly.

'Erm, not quite darling but enough to keep your foot in the door.'

'Oh it's not another advert?'

'A music video.'

Caitlin wrinkled her nose in disdain. She had done one of them before and it had quite easily been one of the most boring days in her life.

'Who watches music videos these days?'

'YouTube and other social media. They are still relevant. Anyway it sounds fun as they want an horror movie motif to the video.'

'Is the part a student type?'

'Are you telepathic, darling? It is indeed.'

'It's all I seem to get offered.'

'Beggar's can't be choosers. Now I am aware of your flying schedule so I've booked you a week on Tuesday in Manchester.'

'Fine,' Caitlin replied. Work was work especially if it kept her in the game. 'Which band is it for?'

'Oh?' There was a slight pause as Caitlin shook her head. How could her agent not know what the band was called?

'Erm, I er think they are rock but er the name has escaped me. They are not mainstream but have a dedicated following.'

'Well give me the time and location and I'll make sure I'm there.'

A beaming smile broke out at the other end of the phone. Geraldine liked to think of herself as a great artist who could find the right colours and finish the great pieces for the maestros. Now was the chance for her real talent to shine.

'Now don't get too excited but I have also secured you an audition with a legendary director, darling.'

Caitlin's ears pricked up at this. The reason why she had gone for this agency was for it's big list of contacts. Maybe it was for a indie film or a drama for netflixs or something!

'Who is it?'

'Terry Silver, darling. A, ahem a legend in every respect.'

There was a wrinkling of Caitlin's nose but that was more to do with the stale smell of sweat as Calam came in from football.

'Can't say I've heard of him. What has he done?'

'Terry is an award winning director of the punk documentary 'pins and needles,' about the band's tour. He is well thought of and yes he might not have hit the real heights just yet he likes working with top talent.'

There was a lurch in Caitlin's stomach. Much like the time she didn't get that artist set when she was eight and had to hide her dismay when she got a pair of roller skates instead.

Autumn to summer in Penny LaneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu