I kissed a girl - Part two. Confession

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Despite what Vanessa had advised the guilt weighed down on Caitlin as she felt that she had to tell Calam about the kiss.  After all honesty was the crucial part of a relationship. 

With the second hand of the clock ticking slowly, Caitlin tried to find numerous tasks such as tidying up, washing, and other mundane tasks such as cooking her tea to take her mind off things.  Even reading a book didn't help distract as she waited for Calam to come home from football.

A loud click and thump of the door being opened as Calam came in  with the shirt sticking to him.  There was that instant almost intense smell of sweat as though every pore was emptying every bit of water in his body. 

'How was your day?  Boss game tonight.  I scored,' Calam said as he took a swig of water.

'Hi Cal.  Listen I've got something to say.  I kissed a girl the other night at over the rainbow.  It didn't mean anything.  Oh, I've cooked us tuna pasta bake.'

'What the hell are you on about?'

Caitlin sighed as though she was dealing with a thick pupil who couldn't grasp two plus two. 

'A girl made a pass at me at over the rainbow and well we kissed but it didn't go anywhere.'

By now there was a look of incredulity etched on Calam's face.


'I kissed, well a girl snogged me and I admit I did like her but erm well I felt nothing.'

There was a look of hopefulness as Caitlin waited for a reaction from Calam who just stood there taking in this information.

'You kissed someone?'

Caitlin nodded guiltily whilst Calam sighed.

'This isn't a it's not you, it's me conversation?'

'No,' Caitlin said as she tried to ignore that overpowering smell of sweat that made a skunk smell sweet as she now put her arms around him only to back off.  'You could do with a shower.'

'Never mind that,' Calam thought as he then said.  'How and why did it happen?'

Another pause.  'Well I was dancing and this cu... girl came over and I boogied away as I do and erm she kissed me.'

'And is that it?  Unless there is something else that you want to tell me.'

Caitlin involuntarily shrunk as she took a deep breath forcing the words.  'I kissed her back although I pushed her away, well I did after we stopped but it didn't really mean anything.'

A sigh broke out from Calam as his worst fears surfaced.  'Did you want it to go further?'


'That's not what it sounds like.'

'If it meant anything I wouldn't be telling you or I wouldn't be here,' Caitlin flounced with her temper starting to rise. 

'But something can't be right with us.  You don't go around snogging strangers!'

'You know what over the rainbow is like.  It's easy to get caught up in the moment.'

'Oh and you would have that same view if I told you I snogged someone at over the rainbow?'

The pissed off glare from Caitlin said it all.  'Maybe not, but I wouldn't haul you over the coals for it.'

A harsh laugh from Calam was the response as he rubbed his head in frustration.  'This isn't far off from cheating.'

'How is it?'  Caitlin hissed.  'SHE kissed me!'

'But did you feel something?  Did you push her away?'

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