March Extra

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'We're the kids of Mossley Hill'

Rock stardom was something that Jesper believed was only around the corner. He had been in so many bands, hell he'd even played acoustic on open mic night but Jesper wanted to be and in his opinion he was a musician.

Tonight his band was appearing at Tancy O'Mancy's which would be the first of many steps to getting that elusive record deal. Being a garage blues band, Jesper was sure that they would blow balls away with their attitude and great tunes.

A couple of the bands songs required a female vocalist and Mikey's girlfriend Ally who was a session singer had agreed to do it. Only the pair had decided to split with Ally making it plain to Jesper's pleas that she would rather stick pins in her eyes and throw herself into a hot lava pit.

So it was that Jesper was frantically trying to think of someone who could step in at the last minute. Part of the contract was that they had to cover a 80s classic with the 80A's hard rock version of Kim Wilde's 'we're the kids of America.' Ally certainly had that sassy voice but that was lost.

'Caitlin!' He thought. His old homie could sing and being an actress she wouldn't be phased at playing in front of an open audience.

'Oh I don't know,' Caitlin replied after Jesper asked if she was free that evening. At first she just thought it was confirmation that her and Calam would be attending.

'You should let people know that you've got a fantastic voice.'

'But I haven't sang in years, well apart from in the shower and besides we haven't rehearsed.'

'We can do that this afternoon.'

There was a exasperated roll of the eyes by Caitlin. She knew Jesper was an optimist but even he was being too blind to see that it was a recipe for disaster.

'Please Cait. It will be like old times.'

Maybe it was the plea in Jesper's voice or the fact that they had been friends for so long that Caitlin couldn't let him down. Not when he was in the shit. Besides if it did crash and burn it wouldn't be the first time. Even now there was that cold icy shudder when that old drunk Roger got stage fright and forgot his lines. Christ that had been a night not to forget as she and Wes had to grimly improvise.

'Okay,' Caitlin sighed. 'I'll be over in a hour.'

It was a very rough rehearsal and Caitlin couldn't see how this was going to work. Hopefully people would assume it was just a bit rough around the edges although as they were on early it wasn't enough for people to be too pissed to care.

Thankfully Calam was going to be there with his mate Matty so meant a couple of friendly faces at least.

Despite the words of encouragement from Calam and Emma beforehand it didn't stop Caitlin's stomach feeling like a plane caught in very rough turbulence. Christ, she would personally be quite happy to be bouncing about in a Rapido airbus.

Glancing around Tancy's there was an handful of people which made it slightly worse in some respects. Caitlin's heart felt a bit more easy at seeing Calam laughing with Matty, Emma, and Jesper's girlfriend Josefin. A burning resentment surged through Caitlin's veins. She should be down there having fun and not fucking worrying about beats, and when keeping in tune.

A loud roar of Jesper's guitar meant that the 80A were snarling and roaring. Caitlin had to give her Danish friend this, he certainly gave his best as though he was performing in front of a record crowd. If anything he appeared fearless.

'Concentrate,' Caitlin thought as she had to come in on backing vocals.

There was a slight wince as Mickey played off key and the 80A swerved like the named bus as though to avoid someone crossing the road. It was rough and the polite applause more or less said that. Not that Jesper cared it was the roar of adulation.

Now came Caitlin's turn in the spotlight with their version of Kim Wilde's 'Kids in America.'

The chug, chug, chug of the bass started as the drum lead the introduction as Caitlin jumped into the deep end. It was like a perfect dive as Caitlin rose up above the water noise as her professionalism took charge.

Somehow Caitlin had grabbed the interest of the crowd who were previously half listening whilst chatting and even eating. Strutting across the stage Caitlin had attitude as threw her head back and belted out the chorus. Part of her was now enjoying the performance as she played up to being a rock star.

A huge round of applause broke out as Caitlin beamed loudly. There were few whistles of appreciation as Caitlin bowed her head and let Jesper move onto the 80A final track. Poor Jesper in the meantime wished they could have ended on that performance.

Ending with the old blues classic 'Gospel according to John,' Jesper did his best with the loud feedback and dancing on the stage like Mick Jagger. 'Go home you punk arsed kids! Get a job!' He cried as the feedback continued as Jesper then proceeded to throw himself off the stage to a few bemused onlookers. It didn't end in a body surf mainly because the handful of people at the front parted like the red sea.

'Are you alright?' Calam said as Jesper staggered up as though he'd been shot in the kneecaps.

'Is there a Doctor in the house?'

'Why what have you done?'

'Relax,' Jesper laughed as he put his hands on Calam's shoulders to reassure his friend. 'I live. We blow balls away, yes?'

'You certainly did.'

With the high feeling of performing giving Caitlin a drug like boost it seemed as though everything was a big party as she laughed, joked, and hugged friends.

Although Calam only had four pints he felt rather merry but he too was in a happy floaty feel as they ended up back at Jesper's for late night after party. It was good to watch Caitlin happy as she theatrically danced away and sang to the Black Crowes 'Remedy,' with Josefin and Jesper.

It was good to see Caitlin so happy as they finally called it a night or more precisely half past four in the morning. Getting into bed, Caitlin snuggled up to Calam as the pair fell into a deep but happy sleep.

The function

It had to be said it was a very flattering address as Caitlin carefully fixed herself whilst looking at the mirror. At the moment Caitlin wanted to make the most of her appearance before the bump became apparent. Smiling to herself after Calam gave a 'wow look,' Caitlin thought she had done what she wanted.

For Calam he certainly had an eyeful of Caitlin's cleavage with the sweet perfume certainly making him aroused. That was one thing with Caitlin and that was she had a cracking pair of tits and a peach of a arse. He remembered at how surprised back when they finally got together after bumping into each other during their Christmas works night out.

Both of them had escaped and ended up back at Caitlin's. He remembered the pair stripping and unhooking Caitlin's bra and seeing her huge boobs bounce out. Admittedly he thought Cait's cleavage was down to a wonder-bra as she normally kept herself well covered up. They were curvaceous, firm, and soft as Calam fondled her huge breasts. Her nipples were large and bright red as he fondled and kissed her breasts. Carefully he ran his hand up her smooth thigh as Calam started to penetrate her slowly with his huge cock as they worked themselves into a rhythm.

Calam could remember Caitlin's digging her nails into his back and those legs wrapped round as they both came. Everything seemed magic that night as though the world was a peaceful one with everything perfect in their little bubble. Sometimes Calam always thought back to that night as they both lay naked on Caitlin's bed chatting and joking to each other.

Smiling to herself, Caitlin waited for the taxi to take the pair to some NHS heart or something function that they had to attend. Well Calam was expected but as partners were also invited, Caitlin could hardly say no.

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