Autumn to Summer finale!

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The Madvig's

Back in the days when the kids were just out of their nappies, then into their teens, Thomas always assumed life would get easier. With the baby of the family Zara turning twenty, Thomas expected life to slow down. After all Tina had become a Mum, with Charlie moving near London due to his job. Calam was doing well and was always regarded as the sensible one out of the four.

A break in Belfast to meet Caitlin's family sounded great. With his Mum Rose being Irish, Thomas felt more affinity to Ireland than England. It was also a chance to sample the Guinness just as he had done in Dublin which he felt was far superior than the stuff back home. Then came the announcement.

' you?'

'Yeah I would have thought they would have told us,' Thomas said correctly guessing what Holly had said as they got back to the hotel room.

'It was probably her idea to keep it a secret.'

'Cal and Caitlin said they didn't want a fuss. I can sort of understand what they mean.'

'What's wrong with having a proper wedding? Okay they don't have to get married in Church but you can get married anywhere these days. No, it's always a drama with Caitlin.'

Thomas sighed. This was all he was going to hear for the rest of the weekend. How Holly was going to give it a couple of years and how Calam had changed. In his opinion Calam had changed for the better and seemed more happier than he had ever been.

'I'll give it two years at the most,' Holly said on cue. 'She's got itchy feet so she'll get off and we'll have to pick up the pieces.'

'Funny enough isn't that what your Dad said about us and here we are still married!'

A sarcastic frown broke out on Holly's face. They had ups and downs but Holly had never felt their marriage was ever in danger. Of course it had come close when Thomas went to Germany to work and the city was on the slide but things had picked up. Maybe Thomas was right and things would work out. After all, much as it hurt Calam did seem happy with Caitlin and had more in common with her.

'Still it could have been worst. I don't know what I would have done if Calam had ever married that Hannah.'

'You see, Caitlin's a lovely girl. Despite what everyone thinks Calam has got an adventurous streak in him.'

Holly sniffed. She was still unsure about Caitlin and admittedly it did make her feel uncomfortable that Caitlin was brown even though it shouldn't. Changing tack, Holly mentioned Coral and how it was going to affect her.

'Yeah, that should have been better thought out,' Thomas agreed. 'Cal should have known to expect that reaction. After all Coral has never found it easy that her Mum and Dad didn't make a proper go of it.'

'I guess it's done now. Let's try and make the best of this weekend.'

The Firth's

Teresa was still fuming with Caitlin. Normally it was Paddy who was pissed off with their daughter especially when it came out that she liked girls and dated Nicole.

'Why couldn't Caitlin tell us hey? Are we that bad as Parents?'

Paddy rolled his eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed getting undressed. Of course he would have liked to have walked his only daughter down the aisle but ultimately it was their choice.

'You know Caitlin she always acts on a whim. They probably thought it was romantic and...'


Autumn to summer in Penny LaneWhere stories live. Discover now