I know what you did this Christmas

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Closer and closer came the runway with the bright lights beaming the plane safely down.  There was the customary bump of the wheels as they touched down and the wait for the seatbelt sign to go off.  After that it was just a case of greeting the passengers farewell, checking the plane and then time to go home.

'Aaaaagh!'  Vanessa screamed as a body slumped lifelessly onto the empty seat after she shook his shoulder.

'I can't feel a pulse' Caitlin said incredulously as raced over to help her friend.



'Jaysus!  He's alive!'

The man opened his eyes and blinked hard.  'Uurgh!'

'Is he all right?'

'Don't ask Caitlin.  She thought he was dead!'  Luke said.

'Hey, I just couldn't feel a pulse,' Caitlin said tetchily.  'Sir, are you okay?'

'Where are we?'

'Manchester,' Caitlin said slightly incredulous that a passenger didn't know his destination.  After all it wasn't as if he had fallen asleep on the last bus home.  How are you feeling?'  The words were more what Caitlin felt that she should ask.

A loud fart saw the crew back away as Tango Pam now moved forward to see what the commotion was. 

'I think we need a paramedic.'

'I don't need anyone.  Just a bit tired.'

'Has he been drinking?'  Tango Pam hissed more at the prospect that they could get into trouble.

'I'm fine,' the man said staggering up.  'Where's my bag?  I need to get home.'

'Hang on.  Are you sure your all right?'

'Yeah,' yawned the man who promptly fell on the floor. 

'Ah Jaysus!  We need to get someone.'

'I just slipped,' the man said and with that he grabbed his bag but not before pointing to the cabin crew.  'I know what you did this Christmas.'

'What?'  Vanessa said.

'Oh yes.  I know what you got up to

'And what's that?'

'Do you really want me to say?'

A pause broke out as Vanessa looked at him worryingly.

'Take no notice of him,' Caitlin sighed at this poor pretence of a wind up.

'Oh really.  I know your secret and embarrassment.' 

'Who is this Yoda,' Caitlin muttered hotly.

'We'd better get security,' Vanessa said concerned. 

'Good idea.'

'I wouldn't if I were you.  Let me take you back to Christmas past...'

A week early.  Manchester
Loud music blasted out as Caitlin came out of the shower to see Vanessa carefully doing her hair.  This was going to be a night to remember as far as Vanessa was concerned.  Excitement was building like it was a countdown to the kick-off for a major final.  This was the Rapido big night out for staff at the Hilton hotel and it was their turn to attend. 

Glammed up to the nines and admittedly looking glamourous the BFF forever strode out confidently ready for their Christmas meal with their team prior to going the Hilton.  There was a variety of snacks but hardly anything filling.

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