October Halloween special. Across the realms with Doris Panache

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For someone who Caitlin believed was streetwise, hard, and savvy Vanessa was a nervous wreck.  Part of her was excited but frightened at what Doris might tell her. 

'You won't believe how good Doris is,' Vanessa whispered.

'Is this it?'  Caitlin asked as they stood outside a well to do semi-detached house near Mather Avenue.

'What do you expect?'  Vanessa asked.  'A tent or some old Romany caravan drawn by horses?'

'Fair point.'  Caitlin said as she rang the bell to be greeted by a mild mannered old lady who looked more like she should be helping out at the church. 

The inside of the house looked more like her Great Granny's house as a kid back in Belfast.  It seemed too normal.

'So who wants to go first?'

'Can't we be seen at the same time?'  Vanessa asked. 

'Oh I can dearie, but there are some things that you might want to keep secret.'  Doris smirked before looking at Caitlin.

'Ah you go first,' Caitlin said.

'No, no, no.'  Vanessa shuddered.  'You go.'

'Let's toss a coin dearie's,' Doris said and before the pair could say anything she asked Vanessa to call.


'So it is.'  Doris said.  'You decide Vanessa.'

'Go on Cait.  I'll wait here.'

Caitlin rolled her eyes as they now went into a study which was surrunded by bookshelves.  Most of the books seemed to be pyschic tomes as she sat at a table. 

'Now have you brought something precious and sentimental?  It can be anything a old handkerchief or a necklace?' 

Part of Caitlin wondered why she was playing along as she unclasped her silver necklace and passed it over to Doris who clutched it and scrunched up her eyes.   

'Oh this is a old heirloom.'

'I don't think so,' Caitlin said. 

'Really?  Is it not precious?  After all your late Uncle gave it to you for your fourteenth birthday did he not?'

'Lucky guess,' Caitlin thought.  'No doubt Doris would have twisted it so that I would agree.'

'Now I see, I see...'

'I see a little silhouetto of a man,' Caitlin giggled in her mind as Queen's Bohemian rhapsody lyrics sprang into her mind.  'Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening.'

'I see a little silhouetto of a man,' Doris said looking at Caitlin as though she was telling off a unruly pupil.  There was the loud sound of thunder Caitlin shrieked with Vanessa legging it into the spare room screaming.

'Relax,' Doris smiled in that dreamy tone. 'Now I see a Doctor, a particular rude one lovey. An argument and yes another meeting were you get the upper hand.'

There was the raising of an eyebrow as Caitlin believed that Vanessa must have said something.

'Oh you doubt lovey so let me tell you this,' Doris said. 'A loved one and a friend will upset you. It will test your relationship and yes love for both it will.'

'What are you saying? That my boyfriend and Vanessa are having an affair?'

'Take what you will from my words but the roll of the dice scatters forth and you will find out the path that leads you. Not everything is as it seems but love tests us all.'

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