July - The wedding

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There was that sickly feeling of anticipation and nerves that you got on the nerves of big matches and exams. People talked about marriage being just a bit of paper but this was a big life changer. Marriage was about making that commitment to be with Caitlin. It wasn't just about committing their love but stating that they would be responsible for each other.

Deep down Calam was reassured that he loved Caitlin. Everything felt right just being with her and there was no doubt that they digged each other.

'You do know you can still change your mind?' Davante said half joking.

There was just a laid back laugh that meant that Calam didn't take the remark seriously.

'Man, I didn't think you and Caitlin would ever tie the knot.'

Calam looked hard at his old mate from the time when he was working in New York at Princeton University hospital. He had been part of Mr Winter's team working on a new cardiology trial which meant working in the States. Davante had been a good friend with the pair having the same sense of humour and interest in writing. Of course they had their differences over American football and the 'normal,' football that Calam preferred over to Devante's love to the Baltimore Ravens. Still there seemed to be a dig and it was probably at Caitlin.

'I have to admit I never thought I would get married but here we are,' Calam said forcing a smile.

There was another awkward pause between the pair. Davante didn't want to say anymore especially as he was going to be one of the witnesses for the wedding tomorrow. He just hoped that Calam knew what he was doing. To him Caitlin and Calam were more suited as friends but maybe he was just wrong. Davante certainly hoped so.

The night before - Caitlin

Nerves were tingling around Caitlin although to everyone around her she seemed so stress free that Selina marvelled at her. If it wasn't the fact that she had work tomorrow she would willingly have been a witness. The story sounded so romantic and daring as Caitlin filmed her last night as a single woman.

A quiet night was what it was meant to be for Caitlin. Like Calam it was a quiet meal out with a couple of friends that she had made the last time Caitlin was in New York and then to bed. However one of Calam's old football mates was looking for a last minute player for Kew Gardens near Queens.

'If you've got a spare pair of boots then I'll deffo be up for a game,' Calam smiled rubbing his hands in glee.

Davante looked at his friend with bemusement and made a joke about making sure he didn't get injured or pull a groin strain.

'Very funny mate,' Calam smiled as he mentioned that he would meet Davante at the restaurant with a couple of mates from Princeton hospital.

Caitlin Firth - A quick run

Exercise was something that was on Caitlin's mind as she decided to go for a run through Central park. Running was in Caitlin's blood as she also used this time to be on her own and to think things through. With the wedding there was a lot to go through. The dress, getting there, the photos, celebrating and telling the family.

Frowning slightly, it was something that they hadn't agreed on. Caitlin felt that as her Parents had made the effort to visit Calam and his family then it should reciprocated. Anger burnt through her veins as she knew that Calam agreed with her. However his Mum would probably give him earache.

Carefully Caitlin saw a red sweating man who had the build of a overweight bear as she moved over to let him pass. Not that she took much notice as she thought on how they were going to break the news to their Parents.

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