April extra - part two

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Prince Rhymz

The music thumped loudly across the apartment which was just overfilled with guests.  Milo though was in his element as his scrawny arse was being kissed by so many sycophant's that it was as well polished as the FA cup. 

Nevertheless it was a world that Caitlin, Vanessa, Emma, and Jool's could not only take a peek through the curtain but step through.  For them they pretended that they were part of the high set with nobody raising a eyebrow as Caitlin and Vanessa made up that they were a girl band.

'What are you called?'

Vanessa paused as Caitlin looked round for inspiration.  It came automatic with the words 'Rapido pirate crew,' coming from Vanessa's lips.

'Oh, a R&B group?'

Caitlin withheld a snort of a snigger as her shoulders shook. 

'Of course.  We're going to be a group with attitude!' 

'I can't wait to hear you.'

'Hey me and Cait can give you a tune if you want!'

There was a loud ouch as Caitlin punched her friend.  'I'm sure you'll be hearing us soon.'

'Come on I'd love to hear you,' said Priscilla.

'We can do our version of Manic Monday,' giggled Vanessa.

Another punch came as Caitlin somehow found herself killing the Bangles 80's classic or more precisely Vanessa who couldn't keep in sync or tune for that matter.  It led to a few bemused looks as Priscilla privately thought they would sink without a trace although the pair admittedly did have some attitude. 

Giggling as they danced to a bombastic tune the pair decided that they needed a drink.  Walking towards the kitchen they both felt a large hand groping their bums as Milo barged in between them.  The gurning grin of a self-entitled bumpkin King did nothing to cool their tempers.

'Yo my bitches!' 

'I'm not your bitch yer fucking dick, so get your hands off me,' snapped Caitlin as Vanessa removed his wandering hands.

'Relax.  It's a party.  Let's say we take a line and go back to my room.  You can say you've made love to a Prince!' 

'You are as they say here in Liverpool a Prince beaut!'  Vanessa replied. 

'Lighten up and have some fun.'  Milo smirked as he put his arms around both girls waist.  'After all I am the King of this palace!'

'Okay,' Vanessa smirked as she gave a glance to Caitlin to follow her lead. 

Ten minutes later the two fell out of the bedroom laughing as they decided to call it a night.  Jool's was nowhere to be seen with Emma already leaving. 

'Have you seen Milo?'

'He's a bit tied up at the moment,' Caitlin said as she burst out laughing along with Vanessa.


'Milo is tied down with something, he may be some time,' giggled Vanessa.

Looking bemused Milo's friend walked past sure that he would come across him. 

'Do you think he will be okay?'

'Yeah,' Caitlin said before pausing.  'It might be a while before someone finds him though!'

That set off Vanessa as Caitlin joined with the laughing as Caitlin took a bottle of champagne and made for the door. 

'Everybody stay where they are!'

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