February - A sudden surprise, part two

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A slight detour

One of the few bonuses of working for Rapido was the staff discount for flights. However as Caitlin slowly walked up the steps to see a beaming Vanessa and Luke, she quietly groaned. All she wanted was a bit of peace on the flight back to Liverpool and be treated like the other passengers. That though went out of the window as a few bemused people looked on as Vanessa hugged Caitlin as though she had been released by kidnappers.


'I hope we're not expected to greet all passengers like this.'

'Only special ones like you,'

'Best fix your Thunderbird hat,' Caitlin giggled.

'Forca Thunderbirds!' Vanessa laughed manically before rounding on a hapless passenger trying to squeeze his large bag into a small space.

'Where are you going?' Vanessa enquired after the sheepish man moved his bag further up the aisle.

'To my seat.'

'No, no, no. You sit with us,' Vanessa said.

'I can't sit with you because they are for cabin crew. I'm a passenger.'

'Isn't that Iggy Pop?' Vanessa smirked. 'No, we can have a little chat.'

'Pam isn't going to be happy with that.'

'Hey Pam,' Vanessa yelled with Tango Pam biting her lip especially as she saw the reunion of the bolshy two. 'Caitlin can sit with us can't she?'

'I think Caitlin can sit in her allocated seat.'

'But she is pregnant.'

'Nearly two months,' Caitlin muttered through gritted teeth. 'I'm hardly showing.'

'Unless Cait...'

A huge know it all smirk broke out on Vanessa's face. 'But Rapido rules state that pregnant women should be given adequate leg room and that is with cabin crew.'

'Fine by me,' Pam sighed. 'But so long as you remember you still have your duties to do. You're not Caitlin's personal chaperone.'

The words though went out of one ear through the other as Vanessa gave her best friend her full attention. Even Luke was giving Caitlin a special service.

Admittedly it had been good chatting and laughing with Vanessa and even being able to give another passenger a mouthful when he had attempted to be rude to Vanessa and Luke who refused him more alcohol.

'Listen I can tell you've had too much to drink. So have some water or shut up until we land.'

'You can't speak to me like that!'

'Or what? Unlike the two cabin crew members here I'm a passenger so I can say what I like.'

'Who the hell do you think you are?'

'A passenger who is getting annoyed with your behaviour.'

'I couldn't give a fuck what you think.'

'Sir, we've already told you why we are not serving you so please sit down and Ms can you please not get involved?' Luke pleaded to Caitlin as it threatened to escalate.'

'You keep going on like this,' Vanessa snapped 'and we'll notify the Captain to make an emergency landing. Once that happens the Police will be waiting at the runway and then you'll be in a hell of a lot more trouble.'

'I want to see you're boss.'

'Let me tell you what will happen if I have to get my boss as you put it. I will tell her that you are uncontrollable, abusing fellow passengers...'

Autumn to summer in Penny LaneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang