November extra, extra!

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Stealthily Vanessa moved forward to the slim like girl with the Thunderbird hat who was engrossed with her duties.  Smirking as Caitlin continued to work, Vanessa gently held the rough, loose cotton attached to the sheep as though she was holding a gun and pressed it for a loud 'BAA!  BAA!  BAA!  BAA.'

A loud shriek emanated from Caitlin as though she had been shot with the loud crash of equipment hitting the floor as Vanessa cackled loudly. 

'Jaysus Nessa,' Caitlin said as she picked up the dropped equipment.

'Ah, I couldn't resist,'

A mischievous smile broke out on Caitlin's face as she took hold of the sheep and now moved with the grace of a silent assassin to a unsuspecting Luke who was doing the customary checks.


What the hell?' Luke cried as Caitlin and Vanessa were in hysterics as the sheep continued to wail.

'Put that toy away,' Tango Pam shouted at the pair who looked like a pair of naughty school kids. 'Can we get through a flight without the pair of you messing about?'

'Baa!' Caitlin said as Tango Pam turned her head away with Vanessa breaking out in hysterics with her mate.

'Do you want me to put you on a warning Caitlin?'

'What for?' Caitlin replied, looking the model of innocence.

'Try not doing your job properly. After all we are meant to be doing a sweep of the plane before letting the passengers on. Oh and insubordination as a after thought.'

'Ah well I won't be working for Rapido much longer,' Caitlin muttered making sure it was of earshot from Tango Pam. However Vanessa blinked hard as though she had received an electric shock.

'Have you found something else?'

'I've been offered work for some Mockney drama in January.'

'But don't you use leave? Well unpaid.'

There was a slight pause as Caitlin saw the look of alarm in Vanessa's eyes. It was like as if she had casually said that she was going to cut off her best friend's arm. A feeling of bemusement engulfed Caitlin as at times like this she did wonder if Vanessa really was as street smart as she tried to make out.

'I have, but Rapido aren't going to keep letting me have time off. That's two weeks I need and I really need to keep my hand in especially theatre, as I haven't done much this year.'

'But you've done plenty,' Vanessa blustered. The nightmare scenario of not working with her BFF was unbearable. After all Caitlin had been there since she had started over a year ago.

'True adverts, music videos...'

'And that play.'

'It went under after two weeks,' Caitlin replied. 'Look I don't want to jump the gun but my agent reckons Terry Silver might be offering a decent role for Elm Hill.'

'But that is a soap!'

'Yeah, and it might only be for a month at best but it's acting work. I need to keep my foot in otherwise I'm not going to get jobs.'

Vanessa forced a smile even though it hurt like a dodgy knee. 'Of course, I understand it's just that... well we have so much fun working together.'

'And we still will, only in our own time,' Caitlin said smiling. 'There's no way I am going to lose contact with you, so don't worry about that. Best friend's for life.'

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