April extra part one

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Ladies day

'Don't you even say it,' Caitlin said as she told Calam that she was going to Aintree's Ladies day with Vanessa, Emma, Jool's and a couple of others.

'What?' Calam said looking bemused.

'I know that look in your eyes. You're ready to make a smart arse remark.'

'Well it is only ladies day in name,' Calam replied. 'Ow!' He winced as Caitlin punched him in the arm.

'You can be such a ding dong at times. I love the races and it's a chance to glam up.'

'Okay,' Calam grinned.

'I'll be staying over at Vanessa's,' Caitlin said as she carefully tried her hat on.

'An evening on my own,' Calam thought as he instantly thought of watching football and Batman the animated series.

'Don't look too disappointed,' Caitlin snapped. 'Some partners would talk about not wanting to be apart for the night.'

'I just want you to have a good time. Besides I'll be off the match on Sunday.'

Caitlin groaned. As she had hoped that they could do something together on Sunday. After all, Coral was popping down to Liverpool next weekend.

Ladies day

That old thrill of looking at the racing form surged through Caitlin's veins. All the smells and noises of the horses, the bookies, and loud conversations added to the buzz of going to the races. Here there was every mix of people from the rich to shady character that you could only find on the race course.

Casually Caitlin looked around and could see the casual race goers who didn't have a clue with the hardened race goers looking carefully. There was chatting going on as Vanessa nudged her friend.

'I'm picking this one.'

'Madbow? That's got no chance. It will be lucky to last the distance.'

'What makes you say that?'

Sighing Caitlin pointed to the form and gave her opinion of how it had ran poorly in two races that she had seen Madbow. 'Why do you think he's 20/1?'

'Because he has, how you say boss name?' Vanessa said with a touch of a Scouse accent.

'You can't pick a horse based on it's name,' Caitlin sighed. 'Study the form.'

'What do you reckon?' Emma asked.

'Jewel of the night is pretty good at 3/1. Ran a grand race at Cheltenham.'

'But you have to go for Madbow.'


'Because it sounds boss and I don't know I have a feeling.'

'It's up to you,' Caitlin grinned convinced that her friend was going to lose money.

The excitement was etched on Vanessa's face as the loud frantic thunder of hooves raced past the finishing post with Madbow winning by three yards.

'Beginner's luck,' Caitlin thought as she ripped up her betting slip. However Vanessa was on a roll that it was starting to grate on Caitlin.

'There is no way Northern Silence is going to win.'

'I looked into his eyes and he told me.'

'Firstly, Northern Silence is a she and secondly it's the worst horse in the field.'

Vanessa wrinkled her nose. 'Yes I know the horse is a she but he told me that it would win.'

'Who's that? One of the trainers?'

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