Chapter 5

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Cam's POV

Today I was going to call Nash and see if him & his girlfriend Ellie could come over & meet my girlfriend. So I got my phone and called him.

C- hey! Wanna come over? You can bring Ellie!

N- sure bae! Can I finally meet your girlfriend? Properly? Sorry for last week about me yelling at you.

C- dude it's ok! Yes you can finally meet my gf properly. I hope our gfs become friends. You should bring Hayes and his gf too!

N- sure! Yah I hope so too. Ok bye bae!

C- bye!

Me and Nash are like brothers. We used to do Magcon, but we moved on. Now I'm gonna call Ashley and see if she could come.

C- hey babe! Wanna come over?

A- sure but can I bring my friend Madison? Oh and can she bring her bf?

C- sure!

A- ok see you in a few! Bye babe!

C- bye!

I was happy that she found a friend.

Ashley's POV

"Ok we should get ready!" I said. "And I should call Shawn." she said. "Yeah you probably should." I said. I went over too my closet and grabbed a plain grey crop top and a really cute plain black maxi skirt. I took a shower and dried my hair. I wanted it to air dry and let Cam see my normal hair. I got dressed and so did Madison. She told me that Shawn was coming. "Yay! I want to meet him!" I said. "Ok! Calm yourself." she said.

We headed over and knocked. I saw a really hot Cam. "Hey babe!" I said. "Hey!" he said and kissed me on the cheek. "This is my friend Madison!" I said. I looked behind him and saw a boy that looked familiar. "Hey." he said to Madison. "Come on in." Cam said. We both walked in. "Hey! I'm Nash and this is my gf Ellie. That's my bother Hayes and his gf Sydney." he said. "Hi. I'm Ashley. Cam's gf and this is my friend Madison." I said as I pointed to her. Then someone knocked on the door. "Oh, hey Cam!" Shawn said. "Hey! I haven't seen you in a long time bro! Come in!" Cam said. Shawn came in and hugged Madison and kissed her cheek. "Wait are you guys dating?" Cam said. "Ya." Shawn said.

We talked for a while. Finally I asked "Wanna go to the beach??" Everyone said yes. We arrived at the beach and took our shoes off and walked along the shore talking to each other. After a while we headed back. Cam carried me back to the house bridal style. I really liked Ellie, she was really nice and we became friends. I thought of Sydney as a little sister because she's 13 and I'm 17. We all went out to In-N-Out and ate dinner there.

Turns out we all spent the night at Cam's. Most of the time we made vines and us girls tried to bake. It actually was successful. We made brownies. "Cam do you have ice cream?" I asked. He opened the freezer. "Does this answer your question??" he said. He had like 16 tubs of different ice creams. "Yes it does babe!" I said. We ate brownies with ice cream while watching Mean Girls. I couldn't get enough of this movie. We all started getting sleepy and fell asleep on our bfs.


Thank you for more than 100 reads!! You guys are the best!!

Ok there's chapter 5. I hope you like it!! It's really boring but my friend really wanted me to update so I did. Plz VOTE & COMMENT if you like it. It would be really helpful!

- Ashley

Insta- ashley_s1116

Twittah- zayumdallas_

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