Chapter 15

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Ashley's POV

We were going to school & I was so glad that we had only two more days of school left. All the exams were over & all we had to do was watch movies or be on our phones or talk to each other. I decided to talk to Cameron and ask him what he's doing after this summer. "Cameron?" "Yes babe?" he said. "What are you gonna do after this summer?" I asked. "Well I was thinking of taking acting classes and try to become an actor." he said. "I just wanted to know because I'm not going to college." I said. "Ok." Cam said. "I can't believe that tomorrow is our last day & our graduation." I said. "I know me either!" Cam said before he gave me a long kiss. I smiled into the kiss. He pulled away and said "I love you." "I love you too!" I said.

-after school-

Cam's POV

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Ashley. "I don't know. Pick something." she said. "Ok about we go out to a see a movie?" I said. "Oo yes!! Can we go see The Maze Runner?" she said. "Yes! I've wanted to see that movie for the longest time!!" I said. "Ok I'm gonna get ready!" she said. "Why don't we just go now?" I said. "Ok!" she said.

-after the movie-

"That movie was so good!" I said. "I know right! I loved how there was a lot of plot twists!" Ashley said. "Wanna go get some ice cream?" I asked. "Yes please!" she said. "Alright, let's go!" I said.

-at the ice cream shop-

We arrived at Ben & Jerry's. "I would like a vanilla and chocolate cone please." Ashley said. "I would like a mint chocolate chip cone please." I said. I payed for the ice cream and got it. "This is so good!" Ashley said. "I always knew I had a good taste in ice cream!" I said. Ashley laughed "You got that right!"

-at home-

Ashley's POV

Sometimes I can see Cam and I in the future having kids and living a good life. I've seen Cam with kids and he loves them and they love him. I'm so grateful to have Cameron in my life.

I looked over at Cameron and just admired his features. His jawline, how sharp it is. His hair, how it went from being shaggy to a beautiful quiff. His eyes, oh his beautiful brown/hazel orbs. "Ashley? Hello?" Cam said. "Oh sorry!" I said. "Did you like the view?" Cam smirked. "Yes, I did actually." I said.

We were watching Red Band Society (A/N this show is amazing and you should watch it!) as I began to become sleepy. Before I fell asleep Cam quoted a line from my favorite movie, "I fell in love with you the way you fall asleep, slowly, and then all at once." I smiled at the thought of that and fell into a deep slumber.


If any of you know what movie that line is from comment what movie it is. 😏 Oh mi gosh! Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER. I wonder if I should continue this story? Comment if I should or not. I also changed my Instagram user but not my Twitter.

Don't forget to vote for this chapter, and comment whether I should keep continuing this story or not.


Instagram- ashleygilinsky_

Twitter- zayumdallas_

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