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Wedding day.

The best day of your life, opening new doors to opportunities. Starting an intense, strong relationship and maybe start a family.

Well, at least it's supposed to be like that.

But not for me.

I walked down the red aisle with my dad's arm. People were admiring how I looked. I invited all of my workers because, they were special to me. They were like the family I never had.

I then stopped as my dad offered my hand to hold Jung Kook's, "Take care of her well, I don't want her running home crying.", he chuckled and gave Jung Kook a smile.

"Yes, sir.", Jung Kook nodded. Bullshit.


"Jung Kook Jeon, are you willing to take Eva Wilson as your wife forever? Are you willing to live together with this woman in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honour her and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live?", the priest was American so, it would be easier for my workers and I had translators to help My Korean guests.

"Yes, I do.", Jung Kook replied.

"And Eva Wilson, are you willing Jung Kook Jeon to be your husband? Are you willing to live together with this man in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honour him and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live?", the priests asked me.


"Yes, I will.", I sighed.

"Will all of you witnessing these promises do all in your power to uphold these two persons in their marriage?", the priest asked the congregation.

"We will.", they answered.

Jung Kook and I placed our rings on each other , hesitantly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jung Kook, you may kiss the bride.", the priest smiled and everybody cheered.

"Don't expect me to kiss you.", he whispered and kissed the skin next to my lips.

It broke me. I wanted a real marriage, why can't he just give that to me. Just as an apology for thrashing me around.

He then held my hand harshly and walked out of the church. We all made our way to the after party.

"Hope!", I quickly walked towards her and we both hugged.

"How is he doing?", she asked. "Great.", I fake smiled. "How about you, have anyone in specific?", I asked her.

"Your assistant. He's a sex magnet.", She laughed and I laughed along. "Yeah, he was a great boyfriend.", I sighed as I stopped laughing.

"He was your boyfriend?", she furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah, back in high school. He made me feel special and he never neglected me. We loved each other but, it was all my fault. But you can have him, I'm married!", I ended my sentence with a smile.

"So it's okay for me to chase over him?", she grinned. "Of course, go for it!", I tapped her ass to walk over him. She laughed and walked towards Sung Min.

I MARRIED A FAN. [J.JK] BOOK2Where stories live. Discover now