Daniel Hemric

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A/N So I sincerely apologize for such a late update! I'll try harder, promise. For the lovely RacingFanatic12. Thank you bunches for your patience! I apologize it isn't the greatest....

Jacy-Lynn sighed as she stirred her drink, watching the people hover all around her as she tried enjoying her food in peace. Miraculously, a bunch of college students rudely scrambled in with their high strung attitudes and decided they were the only ones trying to have a civilized meal at that time. The opposite side of the restaurant held merely half the people seated all around Jacy, though had she not been waiting for her friends and already been seated she'd saunter right over there and plant her ass in a quiet seat.

But her friends insisted the window booth to get a good look at the 'hot guys' exiting the gym across the street. Jacy-Lynn didn't care much about the men, simply finding no interest in what her friends did. She preferred a nice friendly meal and talking rather than stalking and gawking. But, they were her friends and if they wanted to weirdly watch the men trying to get some peace and quiet, why the hell not?

Other than the obnoxious college kids trying to get drunk, of course. And other than the fact her friends hadn't shown up yet, resulting in them being at least a half hour late now. Jacy reluctantly sent her friend one last text before gathering her things and walking over to the somewhat calm side of the restaurant. She took the empty seat at the bar in between a woman and empty seat and sighed.

After ordering shortly after, a young man approached and smiled softly at Jacy. "Seat taken, Miss?" He asked softly, pointing to the bar stool. Jacy sipped her beer and shrugged.

"That it is not. Seats all yours." She smiled cordially and he grinned.

"Daniel." he held out his hand as he sat down.

"Jacy." she shook it, though she found it odd he'd ask to shake her hand. At least he was respectful.

"So, Jacy. Why are you here all alone?"

"Friends must've got caught up in something else, I suppose." She shrugged, sitting her beer down but wrapping her fingers around the cold glass.

"How rude." he scoffed and shook his head dismissively. Jacy giggled softly and nodded.

"Yeah, well, what about you, Daniel? Why are you here alone?"

"Just popping in town for the weekend for work. Just wanted a moment away from my friends, I guess. " he shrugged and Jacy nodded.

"Understandable. What do you do you work?" she asked, rolling her shoulders back.

"I uh...' he chuckled. 'drive a car. I'm a racecar driver for NASCAR." Her brows shot up and she sat up higher, her head whipping to look at him.

"No way. That sounds like an awesome career.." she trailed off and tilted her head back to the right and bit her lip. "Wait... Daniel-- as in Hemric?" She asked her thin brow raising.

"You watch NASCAR?" he asked with a soft smile.

"No, but... I think we've met. I'm Jacy-Lynn, we went to the same high school.  At the time you were racing in a smaller series, then I moved... Yeah, I remember you!"

"Jacy-Lynn..." He paused and laughed, shaking his head. "I remember you. I actually met up with you once in that old cafe, remember?" He chuckled and scratched his head. "You totally rejected me." Jacy's face turned red and she covered her mouth with one hand. 

"Oh my gosh..." She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm so sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I only said no because I knew I was going to be moving again and I didn't want to get wrapped up in everything before I left."

"Huh. Well, there's this thing called cars, phones, planes, you know-- distance doesn't matter that much. How about we try that again?"

"Actually, that sounds nice. How's now?"

"Now is freakin' fantastic." he laughed and shook his head. "So. catch me up with you."

Jacy-Lynn gave her friends no more thought as she and Daniel talked for the next few hours... and boy, had she been kicking herself for rejecting him in high school.

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